Mango with many benefits and mango picking

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello all my lovely friends.
    Today we will take you to know the benefits of mangoes and how to store them to eat for a long time

    Raw mangoes have many benefits and are high in vitamin C. Anti-oxidant Helps make the skin radiant. Helps make the skin good and not wrinkled. Helps prevent colds And helps with the respiratory tract as well

    You can make many dishes, such as fluffy catfish salad, mango with sweet fish sauce. Mango with chili and salt.

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    Mango salad, another food that is easy to make. The ingredients are as follows: seasoning powder, fish sauce, sugar, fermented fish sauce, chili powder, mix well. Eat with delicious sticky rice

    Ripe mangoes can be stored for a long time. Make dried mango paste There is an easy method by peeling the mango, keeping the mango pulp and then blending it thoroughly. Pour all together into the pot. Bring to a boil to simmer the mangoes so that they dry easily. After a while, pour in the sugar. Add oiliness with coconut milk. Then simmer until dry. Until it's sticky and has rested from the fire.

    Then put the leaves on top to dry the mangoes. To have a beautiful pattern Then take the mangoes to dry in the strong sun, many suns, until completely dry. After that, the mangoes are stored in boxes. Store it in the refrigerator. You can keep it for a long time, eating it for a year.

    Thank you to my friends who have supported and supported me. Let's read the story again tomorrow. Bye bye today.

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