The beauty of... Super Mario Bros 3 - The first videogame I played in my life

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Some games simply take you to other places, whether it's nostalgia or some other phenomenon, I think there's nothing that gives me more peace and memories than reviewing some of the games I played when I wasn't inundated with debt and depending on paying rent and food. to survive, my childhood was happy in many ways, I discovered video games at a very early age, in fact it is one of the oldest memories that I have in mind.

    Playing Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES at one of my grandparents' house is one of those primary memories with video games, the console had been in the kitchen collecting dust for quite some time, my whole family had played with it and they had some cartridges that were very difficult to see in the country, there were games like Megaman, several Mario games and this one: Super Mario Bros 3 that quickly became my favorite.


    And since I am very attached to the whole pixel arts trend, I think it is logical that I give myself a review of really retro titles, when you only had a few megabytes of space to place an entire entertaining game in it, they had to juggle absolutely everything , from the color palette to the assets they had such as mountains, clouds or enemies, everything had to occupy a space and it is something that until you are an adult you do not notice clearly, one more point for that.




    I think this Super Mario is the one that ties the trilogy to the NES, having 3 enormous titles that were going to influence the entire video game industry in the coming years and that also greatly revived interest in video games after a few years. dark, after this Mario more games were going to come, more consoles and more money to the industry, also more actors like Sega were going to want their share of the market, of course at that time I was about 6 or 7 years old so I didn't I was fully aware of what was happening.



    I only saw a good game to play, and I spent hours looking at the map to see where I could go, I remember the levels were complicated for me and not having a save point and only having a couple of lives made everything worse, even so I fondly remember everything about this game, from its music to how everything seemed to be wrapped up in a play.

    It is a game that has charm and stays in your memory, I certainly still remember clearly that I played it when I was barely conscious, I love it so much that I downloaded an emulator just to feel like a child again and to see if I could pass this game once and for all, I never reached the end and I hope that this time I can do it.



    Meanwhile, here I leave you some screenshots of all the charm that this game has, let's remember that this is only from the first world and you can see more elements on the screen and I was surprised by how much it can resemble the Mario that we have today , is a masterpiece no matter how you look at it.


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