Remote Village

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I was still in school when I got an information that my congregation in Lagos was going for an unassigned territory work. I was excited about it and I've heard lots of beautiful testimony about the work, which I have also been looking for an opportunity to partake in, and here it is, a good opportunity.

    I put a call across to my aunt in faith and said " I heard about the unassigned territory work that the congregation are planning to visit, I would really love to join and besides, where they are going is close to my school so It's easier for me to join the congregation from school"

    My Aunt's reply was "okay, if you think you can make it to Enugu for the unassigned work then it's fine. I will send you something for your transportation "

    I was so happy when I heard her reply and i thanked her for her kindness and support. I told my roomies about my plans to go to Enugu for an unassigned territory work, and asked around on how to get there.

    It was time for the trip and those in Lagos hired a bus to take them from Lagos to Enugu. Because I was told that Enugu is just a few hours from my school, I wasted time and left for the park in the middle of the day.

    I got into the bus and told the driver where I was going because it was my first time going to Enugu. He said okay, that he would alert me when we get to the bus stop. Finally I got to Enugu and alighted at the bus park. I started calling others who were going for same purpose but their line wasn't reachable, I tried and tried but all their lines wasn't going through. I was confused, I had never been to Enugu before, who do i ask that would help me out.

    I stayed at the bus stop with my luggage for it was a two weeks program. I became scared when a particular motorcyclist keeps coming back to check if I was still there, he asked if I was stranded and I said no to him because I don't know what his motives are. So he said "if you need a hotel to stay follow me, I will take you to one around here.

    I thanked him and said no firmly, that I was waiting for someone and the person is coming. After he left, I became even more worried because it's getting dark already and people are rounding up businesses for the day.

    what will I do now? I'm in a dilemma because I can't seem to reach the people I came out to meet and they can't reach me either. At that moment, I prayed and cried to God for wisdom to know what to do next. Afterwards I had this strong faith and confidence to do something I had never done before.

    I went from shop to shop because it was a business place and I asked if there was any witnesses around, the first three shops I went said no. I was almost giving up at this point but something in me moved me to go and ask at the next place.

    I greeted the lady there and explained my situation and she directed me to go ask about mama Nkechi that she would help me. I followed her direction immediately and was able to locate where mama Nkechi sells bread. When I met mama Nkechi, I explained myself to her and told her how I became stranded.

    She sent for her daughter and when she came, she told her daughter to take me to her house, give me water to bath and food to eat. I was so happy and I thanked her for her kindness. When I got to mama Nkechi's house, I tried calling the people I came out to meet again and the number still wasn't reachable, so a thought came to me to try sending text messages. I decided to send a message about my situation and that I have gotten a place to sleep for the night.

    The next morning I got a text from the people that they received my text and were happy that I was safe. They were also trying my line but couldn't reach me because they were in a remote area and there's no network unless they climb a hill to get network signal. I was so happy that my faith was strong enough not to give up and go back to school.

    I got a text from them that someone was coming to get me, we could only communicate through text messages because of the poor network location. The person came and picked me and we drove for about 4hrs before we got to the location. It was a remote village and one couldn't get network signal until you climb a mountain or a hill.

    When I arrived, I got a hug from them and they told me that my faith encouraged them. They were really worried because I was in strange land and had left school to come meet up with them.

    With faith even the most difficult obstacles can be removed. Thus my text message that strengthen them was " I cried, I prayed and God answered me"

    **all images are mine

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