Treasured Moments: Spending Time with Family and Friends

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi everyone, it's me again, @memwuai.So today I want to share with you guys the small bonding of my family and my close friend.

    We all know that family and friends can make you happy, right? And some chikas that your friend is a very stress reliever? So here's how my sad feelings turn into a happy and treasured day. Family and friends can truly brighten our days. Chatting and sharing chikas with a friend can be so uplifting and therapeutic. When I feel down, I often turn to my friends too. Just having someone listen can make a world of difference. They help me see things in a different light, and we often end up laughing about something silly. It's those little moments that turn a sad day into a cherished memory, don't you think?

    5:30 A.M
    The first thing that me and my mother did was wake up so early to attend mass at 5:30 a.m. in Naga Church. Attending mass together at 5:30 a.m. Naga Church must create a deep bond between me and my mother. Starting the day with prayer and reflection sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. It's a time to seek spiritual guidance, find peace, and strengthen our faith. This shared experience not only deepens our relationship with each other but also with my faith community. It's a beautiful tradition that likely brings me and my mother both comfort and a sense of purpose.

    After mass, my family and I decided to make some mango float for everyone. We love mango float very much, and we always do this for special occasions. However, this time, we made it just to satisfy our cravings, even though there was no specific occasion.
    Fast forward: After eating the mango float with my family, I decided to take a bath and take a rest for about 3 hours, and when I woke up, one of my dearest friends, Dana, chatted with me and asked if I'm not busy because she wanted to hang out because she missed me and wanted to bond with me, so I said I'm free, so let's hang out in the plaza.

    At 5:18 p.m., I'm already here in Pasilong, here in Naga, waiting for her because our call time is 5:00 p.m., but she said she's going to be a little bit late because she dropped by her grandmother's house.
    Thats why I decided to take a picture of myself and the pasilong because the pasilong view is very nice and it makes your modd nicer and calmer.

    After how many minutes of waiting, Dana has already arrived, and we decided to go to the street food to buy something.

    This is what we bought: two taste ticles, whose flavour is fruit lychee, and we also bought kwek-kwek and kikiam and it tastes so good, especially the taste ticle that we bought.

    After eating,we are walking around, and it comes to mind to go beside the parola, where you can see the nicest view of the sea, and that's where we talked about our lives and school.
    We talked a lot, and she opened up about one of her closest friends, saying that it seems like something has changed because whenever there's an outing, her closest friend has many reasons. She also told me that their circle of friends is already broken, and she has many unanswered questions. She doesn't know why their friendship fell apart like that.

    After we finished our conversation, and it was already 7:13 p.m., we decided to have balut and ate at our regular place.

    After we finished eating balut, it was perfect timing because my brother, his wife, and my nephew were also hanging out. I took a picture of my nephew.
    They decided to go home early, so my friend and I started starving and decided to eat a little bit of barbecue in the food court and after eating,we decuded to go home early.

    Having a true friend is a treasure of mine, as I share my feelings and she can understand me every time. She never invalidates my feelings, unlike some of my friends. Having a true friend like Ate Dana is indeed a treasure. It's so important to have someone who listens without judgment and validates my feelings. When I share my thoughts and emotions, knowing that a true friend understands and supports you can be incredibly comforting. This kind of friendship creates a safe space where I can be myself without fear of being misunderstood or judged. It's wonderful that I have such a supportive friend in my life.

    These days made my day more complete because I was craving balut, and now I am happy and satisfied. Whenever my friend and I hang out together, I learn lessons like how, during adulthood, there are many changes in your life. Some of your closest friends, who were many in the past, become fewer as you transition into adulthood. This is normal as you move towards adulthood.

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