Why I'm Activating the New Commentrewarder Service For All My Posts

in voilk •  4 days ago

    As many of you will now know @acidyo has been working with @hivetrending and between them they have come up with a new service to help boost comment rewards and incentivise increased post engagement. The first I heard about the Commentrewarder service was by way of stumbling upon the following post.


    The post didn't give too much away but it was inviting everyone to make a comment, as a kind of test for the new service which is to reward more fruitfully the efforts of people commenting on peoples' posts. I was intrigued and made my comment contribution to the post.

    In addition to a vote on each and every comment the post owner @acidyo also pledged to share the rewards of the post via a Hive tip to everyone who commented once his post paid out. He duly voted every comment on his post totalling over 200 comments, replying to numerous comments as well. He also made good on his promise to split the post reward with all the commenters. That's some effort I must say.

    Commentrewarder - My Experience

    Anyway, the service is now operational. So a few days ago I decided to give it a whirl and activated the Commentrewarder service for the following post.


    To call the service to your posts is actually very simple. If you're using PeakD all you simply do is hit the Advanced settings tab scroll to Beneficiaries, hit the Add Beneficiaries button and add @commentrewarder to your list of beneficiaries, if you already have any that is. Then simply add how much you wish to reward @commentrewarder and finally press the plus button on the right to save the new beneficiary. That last bit was the part that tricked me, I couldn't work out why the save button was still greyed out! Doh! I'm new so I can still get away with school boy errors like this - at least I think I can!


    Then you will see that the 'save' button is no longer greyed out and you can save the beneficiary.


    Now that Commentrewarder is engaged on the above post I have received a message a few days after publication from @commentrewarder informing me the one comment I have received from @bleujay will be rewarded. The reason it will be is that I voted on @bleujay's comment. If there were more comments from other people and I voted on those comments too they would also receive a Commentrewarder tip once the post pays out. The post still has a few more days before it pays out and Commentrewarder leaves a tip for @bleujay.


    So why have I decided to use the Commentrewarder service on all my posts?

    Believe me I haven't just jumped into this decision because I'm the new kid on the block who doesn't know what he's doing and still has lots to learn. However, the new kid on the block thing is the reason why I will be using Commentrewarder.

    Shortly after I joined the Hive community I powered up 500 Hive. I noticed that with the price of Hive around $0.18 my 500 HP gave me a $0.01 upvote, which let's be honest is a pitiful reward to give someone. So in the end I decided to delegate that 500 HP to generate more HP. I also invested in 1000 Legion tokens to get vote support and a daily liquid Hive drip. Legion is part of the Bro community and those guys are building some great things within the Hive ecosystem.

    Everything I have generated through my delegation and Legion support has been powered up. With an additional purchase of 300 Hive that was vested immediately. But the point is it makes sense at this stage of the game for me to do it this way and do all I can to build up a decent stake in this platform, so my posts don't sit there at $0.10. I'm building up stake in my account and I know I have a long way to go if I am to have a chance of success on Hive. But the point is I am building.

    The main issue I currently have is that I am unable to reward people in a meaningful capacity when they make the effort to vote and comment on my posts. Of course I always reply to their comments which is very important, but I am unable to reward them. This is where Commentrewarder can really help out for people in my position i.e noobies to the platform.

    It now means that commenters on my posts will get something more for their engagement, and that means a lot to me, it means I can give back something to them for making the effort to engage with me and my work. Sure it might not be a huge amount at this stage but it is something.

    Of course if I find that people are comment spamming or writing meaningless comments just for some extra rewards then I don't vote their comment and they get nothing from Commentrewarder.

    What percentage of my post payout am I giving to Commentrewarder?

    Obviously if I am to reward people who engage with me on my posts I have to accept a reduction in my post payouts as a part of the payout will go to the beneficiary, in this case @commentrewarder. This is the part that makes me feel like I am doing my bit to share a little love and thank people for spending a bit of their time engaging on my posts.

    In terms of value well my post payouts range anything from $0.50 - $11, and anything in between. Sometimes I get lucky and receive a decent vote or votes pushing my payouts higher, other times my post rewards are under $1, it just depends. I have therefore decided to set the beneficiary rate at 7%.

    Sometimes Commentrewarder won't tip comments with significant sums but that's fine, I'm new here and still finding my way, so I accept the position I'm in. Hopefully given enough time I can develop my presence in this community and build a stake that I can eventually use to good ends. But other times if the post does well commenters can expect a nice little extra boost on their comment.

    Going forward to let people know that they are reading a Commentrewarder activated post whenever they come across any of my posts I will put at the bottom of each post the words This is a Commentrewarder engaged post. Comments on this post will receive a tip from Commentrewarder on post payout.

    So that is why I have decided to use the new Commentrewarder service, I hope I have explained my reasons lucidly and that you can see, at least, some rationale behind my thinking. I shall give this a go and see where it leads. Hopefully it will also stimulate some extra engagement too. Overall I think the service is a win win, but we shall see.

    This is a Commentrewarder engaged post. Comments on this post will receive a tip from Commentrewarder on post payout.

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