Chop it!

in voilk •  5 days ago

    Guillotine s.png

    Image generated by Gemini AI


    When I saw today's daily prompt my mind went to the well known scripture from the Bible in Matthew 18:8 where Jesus was talking about sin. He mentions that if your hand or foot causes you to sin you should chop it off and if your eye causes you to sin you should gouge it out.

    I think he is letting us know how serious sin is to ones own well being, let alone others. If there is something in your life that is leading you astray then you should remove it. Be thorough and ruthless about it. If you choose to let it remain, it will end up causing you more harm.

    I think that is true in many way's. Sometimes we might have something that starts of small but grows into something big. Type 2 diabetes often starts off small and can be prevented by making small changes to your diet. But, if you don't make changes it can turn into something much worse and you may need to amputate a body part.

    Thankyou for reading my reflection and ramblings on the daily prompt. To write your own click HERE

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