Spring details

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I've seen a lot of pictures of snowdrops and crocuses on social media. So that provoked me to go to the forest, which is a few minutes from my house.

    What a disappointment that was!

    I had walked about ten thousand steps, but there wasn't even a flower in the forest. Not a single one, really. So I had to make do with leaves and buds at least.

    But I finally got there. But I didn't "catch" the yellow flower in the woods, but in a city park.

    In the end, it turned out that most of the flowers were in the housing estate among the apartment blocks. I guess it's the "dog fertilization..."

    Na sociálních sítích jsem viděl hodně fotek sněženek a krokusů. Tak to mě vyprovokovalo k tomu, abych si zašel do lesa, který mám pár minut od domu.

    Jaké to bylo zklamání!

    Měl jsem nachozeno kolem deseti tisíc kroků, ale v lese nebyl ani kvítek. Opravdu ani jeden. Tak jsem musel vzít zavděk aspoň lístky a pupeny.

    Nakonec jsem se ale přece jenom dočkal. ale ten žlutý kvítek jsem "neulovil" v lese, ale v městském parku.

    Nakonec se ukázalo, že nejvíc květeny bylo na sídlišti mezi paneláky. Asi to je tím "psím hnojením..."

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, criticisms or suggestions I would appreciate it if you would throw them in the comments box


    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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