My Actifit Report Card: February 15 2024 - A Triumphant Day and Delicious Struggles

in voilk •  5 months ago


    The day began with a thrilling visit to the pulmonologist.

    I received the results of my exercise test, and guess what?

    My scores were 130% above expectations!

    Ecstatic the doctor was, declaring me in excellent condition.

    Even though I still battle two leg blockages, the doctor confidently assured their resolution and disappearance of my physical complaints, albeit with time.

    So, I diligently continue my medication and compression stockings, grateful for their mobility-boosting effects.


    Later, I popped into two stores. At the bakery, the irresistible aroma of waffles tempted me, but I heroically resisted (though it was a close call!).


    The delightful cake was also hard to resist. Back to work!


    The chilly, rainy weather meant the children traded slippers for boots and winter coats before heading outside.

    Regardless of the temperature, I always encourage them to play outdoors.

    Initial protests often fade as they get lost in their games, and even coming back inside can be met with resistance.

    Some bring bikes or scooters, zipping around the schoolyard during break.

    Others prefer the playground or the basketball/soccer field.


    I seize breaks for exercise and fresh air, relishing the outdoors.

    Some of the children joined me, sharing their funny stories and surprising me with their tales.


    Working with them is always a joy, even turning dishwashing into a party (though sadly, no picture captured the tower of dishes pre-collapse!).

    Our day concluded with a creative tough: adorable bears and a flower crafted from plastic beads, magically fusing under the iron's heat.


    This day I was celebrating small victories because it was proof of my improved health.

    While my step count needs improvement (5412 isn't quite enough!), sometimes desk duties are unavoidable.

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    Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

    @meraki7578 💚

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    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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