Week 284 | My Splinterlands Art Contest Entry | River Hellondale

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello, Happy Friday! 🥳

    For this week's card, I chose River Hellondale. ✨


    Art Process



    I first did a rough sketch of the character's pose. I used a colored pen for the layer to make it easier for me to trace later on. For the lineart, I used a solid pencil with different weights.

    Next, I copied the colors from the original card for the base color. I used a yellow color and will build it up using an orange shade. Same with the skin and clothing.



    I first applied the hard shadow in a multiply layer. I then used a blur brush to soften the hard edges. I tend not to blur all the way for sort of different angles. Here, I airbrushed a bright orange and red for the hair. I worked further on the eyes and shines.



    I added the shine on the metal linings of the clothing using glow and flat brush. Same as to the hair and the accessories. I added blush to the skin using an airbrush. I chose a dark background for the night sky and crescent moon.

    Final Art


    I used a cloud brush with soft edges for the clouds. I just randomly put them but ensured they were balanced on the canvas. I used the shape tool for the perfect crescent moon. On top, I added a yellow glow to make it shine. The stars are downloaded glitter brush.

    ~ Finished art! ✨

    Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro

    That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
    📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. Dividers by
    nane-qts. ©️jijisaurart

    💖 NFT Showroom: nftshowroom.com
    🖌 Open for commissions!!!


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