181LOH; Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Accolades should be given to the female gender because been a female isn't easy at all. The role we play at home and the world at large can't be over emphasized, that's why I love one of Beyonce's song that says 'who rules the world .....girls, girls' and yes we truly rule the world. We are the salt of the world and without us the world can never run smoothly.

    While growing up, I saw my Mom break down a couple of times due to stress and she was still instructing us on what to do while she was still very much weak.

    The activities we engage in as women are just too much, before we take care of ourselves and the home, work load at our various places of work and other important engagements can sometimes lead to anxiety and depression.


    As a woman, our mental health is very important because we are the brain box of the family so to avoid consistent breakdown we need to have personal preventive measures that we'd use to deal with barrage of direct or indirect changes that's might come our way.

    Some of the ways I deal with stress or possibly loss of interest in activities are:

    Firstly I don't take whatever that happens to me or in my surroundings to heart. I take everything in life with fate and move on with it. I can say I'm not a deep thinker don't get me wrong, not that I don't think or get pained when something unpleasant happens; I do.

    But I don't think to the extent that it will lead me to depression, I encourage myself and quickly get over it so as not to hurt my wellbeing. I understand that health is wealth and I truly love myself, so I don't want anything that will affect my wellness at all.


    Secondly, I relax and feed well even before my body reacts to any tiredness. When there is so much demand and pressure on me, I voice out then pull myself out of it to rest. I don't compare myself with anyone at all, in terms of being agile we all are different.

    So when I know something is beyond my limit I pull out of it to rest my nerves, I don't do eye service at all. I know my capacity that's why I don't play with my resting time. When I'm being taken beyond my limit I stop to reenergize through relaxation.

    I also give myself treats when I lost interest in my regular activities. Majorly when I loss my appetite, I try to eat out or look for someone else to help me out with my cookings. I will buy something nutritious for myself, play my favorite video games or watch my favorite comedians. I will just do something that will gladen my heart and change my mood.

    These and more are ways I light up and free myself from any anxiety and depression.

    Thanks for visiting!

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