Imagining a World Without Borders

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I have often found myself fantasizing about so many what-ifs, one of which is, what if we live in a world where all human beings coexist in peace across borders, even without the need for borders, a world where greed, corruption, societal pressure, judgment, and insecurity fades away, leaving space for our humanity to shine through. Sometimes this perfect world seems like an unattainable dream, but I believe reflecting on such a vision moves us towards manifesting a more awakened global society.

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    Imagining myself in an ideal world without borders or fear of violence completely transforms how I envision my lifestyle and contributions. Right from birth, we've been taught to always watch our back, not trust easily, and always look out for the next bad thing about to happen has been programmed into our mindset. What if all of these tensions would vanish in a realm of true freedom.

    What I would do

    I would adopt a travel round the world lifestyle for sure, truth be told, I've always been a curious person wanting to know and understand diverse cultures, perspectives, and traditions. Unhindered by visas, prejudice, language barriers, or safety concerns, I would embark on an open-ended exploration fueled by my longing to understand human nature.
    If my wish were to come to pass, of course, I wouldn't carry myself as an entitled tourist, but rather a free-minded lady, humble and craving for knowledge, so I will put on my learning boot ready to tour the world.


    Even though there are no borders, I understand that each community has its norms and traditions, I would make sure to honor each community’s norms while absorbing the unique fashion style, textures, and colors of that culture. Music, stories, art, philosophy, spirituality, food and more would become my daily routine to appreciate both the diversity and universality of the human experience. As a global citizen, I would settle down wherever my heart feels most alive instead of identifying myself with a nation because it is my root. Imagine the country I live in today if insecurity, border, and finances weren't an issue, I'm sure I would be in another country right now, because imagine a country that's supposed to be looking at the way forward for itself and its citizens, rather, those in power, would always wield it to bring stress and sadness to us, just imagine us crypto enthusiast, who has found joy in web3 to distract ourselves from the mess made by our leaders, they still choose to mess with us, taking away Binance the very sole of P2P trading, making transaction faster and cheaper for us blaming it for the fall of our naira, how sarcastic.


    Is this borderless world possible?

    While the idea of a borderless globe without fear may seem too good to become true someday, I believe this generation is even more closer to each other as each day unfolds compared to our ancestors. The globalization of the world through technology has brought more connectivity, tolerance, and agreement to some basic topics of life one step at a time, which is real evidence of our collective awakening from separation consciousness. Of course, shifts at the speed of trust occur too incrementally for the fearful mind to comprehend that better systems can emerge. But the perfection exists at each step. The little hope for change inside each of our hearts can fuse together towards the change we seek hopefully someday.



    Rather than just lose faith in the on becoming of the perfect world someday, we might instead commit to being the change we wish to see. People in the old times might have not believed in slavery ending someday, or democracy taking over from the military, even though those in power are not truly giving us the benefits of democracy, women's empowerment and rights are a reality in today's world, So I hope that the perfect world isn’t some static destination, but an ever-unfolding journey as we learn from history’s mistakes. For now, we should manifest this global family vision by celebrating diversity whenever possible, seeing beyond surface divisions, and loving our global neighbors as one human family. Perhaps in such simple ways, we collectively give birth to the more beautiful world our hearts crave for.

    Thank you for reading.❤❤

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