Can Distraction Be Overcome In Mixed school or In single sex school?

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hello everyone
    Feels good to be here.


    It is said that a child's training starts from the house, and that happens to be true, although the academic environment also have a special part yo play in a childs academic performance, social development and personal growth. But I also believe that as a child grows there are some training or discipline instill in that child by his or her parents, and that could also help the child to overcome some challenges,while for others they are being influence by peer groups and that becomes a problem also.

    A child's educational life is meant to shape the child in all ramifications, and out the outcome of a child i believe depends solely on the parents as well as the child. Despite the differences in behavior of these students, there exists an ideal for each gender in almost every culture as well as the environment they find themselves.

    Education is one of the building blocks to a successful future, although the environment tends to affect the child either negatively or positively. Proper attention must be paid to all the processes that help children develop their minds as they grow in each of their institutions either same sex or mixed. The environment for learning is one of those important aspects that need these attention.

    I have not experienced life in a same sex school environment so I wouldn't say much about it. I went to a mixed school and I believe that mixed schools are better and more beneficial for students, knowing that students are young and school is the main place where they learn and develop themselves and their skills both academically, physically, socially and emotionally. It is also a place where they learn to adapt to different types of environments that they may encounter at that moment or in the future.
    It is also an avenue where they can create a feeling of comradeship. I strongly believe that mixed school or teaching both genders will help to eradicate or cut down some form of discrimination.

    I had a friend that went to girls school and she was complaining of some illicit activities that was carried out by some of the students, some would go to the extent of sneaking out just to have a male friend and so on. I'm not of the opinion that those things don't happen in mixed school, but the ability to communicate effectively the opposite sex also counts rather than sneaking out to find this outside.


    Oftentimes I felt some parents may think that mixed school exposes the children to some danger, such as sex, drugs, unwanted pregnancy, etc..but apart from sex or teenage pregnancy, I strongly believe that those who are interested in these things will find a way or means to indulge in them regardless of the type of school they attend. I believe when students go to a single-gender school, they are not as socially equipped to interact with the opposite gender, They also miss out on vital interactive skills they would have gotten and when interacting with the opposite sex, also they will have trouble and may need some time to adjust to the real world when they leave their schools, allthough people differ.

    A mixed school expresses more diversity within the school and it also teaches equality. Students will be able to express themselves as they wish, being a girl, boy etc. Although some may feel scared to express themselves or come out when going to single sex school because they might feel like they don’t fit in. At mixed-gender schools, students get equal opportunities for learning. Boys and girls and everyone in between will be taught and treated the same with no sex preference. Students are graded and evaluated on the work they submit, not on what their gender is.

    Another thing I noticed is that not all teachers are specifically taught on how to teach in a single gender environment, also they don’t have specific techniques on how to teach or approach something with a same sex.

    In most situations, some person who seems to be a little different from others tends to feel isolated leading to low self esteem, insecurity and even efforts to change their natural habits, and thus an adverse effect on academic performance. There is no academic setting that there is no distractions, either from friends, peers etc it is only left for you either to focus on your study and have academic excellence or yield to the distraction around you.

    I believe that mixed schools should be encouraged to build equality, another thing is that we parents should get close to our children, they should be able to confide in us without fear. With that will be able to build and mould our children and it will help them to be balanced in all their affairs irrespective of the school they attend either same sex or mixed. But I strongly encourage mixed school.

    Thank you for reading ♥️

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