in voilk •  17 days ago

    Some people don’t actually understand minimalism — I mean, I didn’t understand it myself at first. Naturally, I’ve always leaned towards minimalism, but I didn’t grasp the concept. When I was little, I hated having a lot of stuff on me; unnecessary stress and cluttered things bothered me. I’ve always cherished simplicity and clear spaces.

    But it wasn’t like that for my friends. It didn’t feel right. I questioned myself but I didn’t quite understand. I saw my friends with lots of possessions, they had more, I had less. I didn’t need more but I felt that wanted more because I felt it was right.


    I wasn’t a grown-up, I thought having more things would make me happier. I watched them giggle over new items and trendy stuff, which often seemed unnecessary. Some said I was too nonchalant and boyish, others said I was too stingy with myself.

    I was always wavering between maximalism and minimalism. Sometimes, I convinced myself certain things would be useful; other times, I was too tired to convince myself because deep down, I wasn’t truly convinced. The concepts of “Less is more” and “Simplicity” seemed foreign to them, and to be honest, I struggled to understand them myself.

    Our world often fails to see the value in simplicity. People enjoy accumulating every possible possession whether necessary or not. Those with many possessions are often seen as wise and wealthy while others are termed differently.


    Seeing how lovely minimalism can be made me stick with it, regardless of other’s opinions. I tried maximalism and I tried maximalism and I can confidently say the worries and stress that come with it were definitely not for me.

    But what makes me stick with minimalism?

    Clear Space=Clear mind

    One reason I leaned towards minimalism is my love for clutter-free space. Personally, having a decluttered space feels like a mini paradise on Earth — if I’m not exaggerating, ha. Naturally, a clear space gives me a clear mind.

    The joy of having only the necessary things around me is unquestionable. It increases my focus on important matters, reduces distractions, and enhances my productivity. It also reduces stress and anxiety, making me feel calm and relaxed. I can’t imagine coming home stressed from school to a cluttered home, I might just cry:(


    Although the space might not always be sufficient, we can manage an organized space by decluttering. Whenever I want to get something I make sure it is something I truly need and can create a space for.

    Also, It is better to have quality stuff than accumulating multiple stuff that aren't quality.

    Peace and contentment

    In today’s world, there are many worries, mostly due to insatiability. As humans, we constantly crave more. It is hard to feel peace when you are not content because there is always something to worry about.

    The world moves too fast; finding peace while moving at the same pace is draining. Embracing minimalism and a simple lifestyle helps reduce unnecessary worries and focus on what truly matters.


    It is funny how many of us don’t know what truly matters or what’s meant for us. We rush around looking in search of peace when it is right in front of us. Many people don’t take the time to be content with what they have and experience the peace that comes with it.

    While others worry about having more, I’m here enjoying peace and appreciating my simple needs.

    Appreciating the present.

    Life is too short to spend it stressed out. Minimalism taught me how to stay present and enjoy the moment. It is awesome to focus and connect with your loved ones and the present moment. It is not easy; anxieties about the future often prevent people from enjoying the present. We should learn to appreciate, enjoy, and learn from the present moment with mindfulness— not with preoccupations or distractions.


    This leads to gratitude, — appreciating every moment. Minimalism teaches us how to be grateful for the blessings around us and not be consumed by worries. It nurtures positivity and helps us build ourselves to a more fulfilling life.

    There are many more reasons why I fell in love with minimalism. But, in a nutshell, it is more peaceful to be minimal.

    All images are mine. Thumbnail designed using Canva


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