| MONOMAD | Today I have nothing to do but smile

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I have decided to title this post with a line from a song. I like these lyrics by Paul Simon because they are based on the recognition that sometimes we can feel like an outsider in our own home or country and although you might be surrounded by many people, it is also very easy to feel lonely.

    In this case, the decision to accept that, to be unique in the crowd and to shine with honesty, can be a great starting point.

    I thought that perhaps it would fit perfectly here as these photographs that I bring today to the #Monomad Challenge were taken in the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba, where I was, for work, the last days of the year that we just said goodbye.


    Life is a journey, a journey that we have to make the most of, breathing positivity and being consistent with our actions. Being responsible and resilient will go a long way in that journey, as will practising empathy.

    I am saying these things because I really would have preferred those days not to be there, but to be with my parents and to finish 2023 as a family. However, I had to adapt and grow up in the face of this not pleasant moment. Maybe you will think, come on, it's not that bad, but there is the background that at the beginning of last year my sister travelled to another country, for studies and yes, I'll say it too, later on she had the possibility to join her son (my nephew) and her husband there. Near the end of the year they decided to emigrate completely and are now in the USA. We all know how painful this separation is for any family, so that's why I wanted to be saying goodbye to the year with my parents. But well, I approached it from another perspective. My trip for work, I mean. And I went there motivated by the fact that I would do something different that would be valuable from a personal and professional point of view.

    I enjoyed going back to Santiago and visiting places that I had not been able to visit there the previous times I went, however there was one part that made me feel very uncomfortable and that arose out of a situation of disrespect and inconsideration on the part of someone I had to work with.

    To make a long story short, I think I handled it pretty well considering that my mood was not the best in those days.


    Do you see that picture? It's a normal scene in that city where motorbikes are often used as taxis. They wear those balaclavas to protect themselves from the sun and the wind, but let's think of the mask as something that is not letting us see what is behind it and let's go on a little discourse about how to grow up in the face of these things. We can choose to use any unpleasant situation to our advantage with wisdom and grace.

    Epictetus said that people are not bothered by things, but by the view they have of them. What he meant was that disrespect in itself is not harmful, it is only an expression of the offender's thoughts, feelings and opinions and not a reflection of your true value.

    Every situation of course has its own characteristics and in that case it was ignorance of that person. I have to be honest, that event was a great learning experience for me. As the days went by I realised that I was even able to handle it in a better way. I was able to be more empathetic, and I even let that event affect me more than necessary and I could have given a better lesson to that person who obviously didn't know what she was talking about.

    The most important thing is to know that we can always grow and learn from experience and never cloud our inner peace because of external events or the behaviour of others. Anger, frustration and resentment are unnecessary. The most constructive thing to do in any case of disrespect is to remain calm and think positively about improving ourselves and our lives.


    One of the things I like most about the city I visited is the landscapes. Those mountains look beautiful, don't they? And here are the biker taxi drivers as I was saying.

    And also a smiling woman who reminds me how beautiful it is to always maintain a good attitude towards ourselves and others, releasing the negative emotions that affect us, and forgiving. It is also important to focus on what we can control (our well-being, joy, calmness, and inner peace) and let go of what we cannot. This is an attitude of triumph, strength, and personal reward.


    Near her, I saw our flag waving. I take this kind of photo all the time when I see this escene.

    I like the feeling of freedom with which the wind moves it. Even though it is still tied to a rope that could be an allegory of principles and values.


    I felt compassion for this old and tired animal. Maybe he doesn't want to be there or maybe he feels grateful to help his owner, after many years of being cared for and fed by him.


    Some santiagueros have their sales stands in their homes. They sell all kinds of things, jewelry, clothes, shoes, cleaning or personal hygiene products, food, souvenirs. In this case, the seller was quite striking. And he was also very attentive - maybe - to social media.


    I took the next picture very quickly. I wasn't even prepared to do it. This street vendor was coming towards me and I shot, without even looking. I like it because it has a sense of movement, and the star was well focused and sharp. Those are just lollipops... (chupachupas, they usually call them here).


    By the way, the next photo is also of a street sales stall and there is a certain relationship between the seller's hair and the product she offers, I don't know, it's an idea I had when looking at the images in my folders.


    The two scenes that close my post this Wednesday are very cheerful. I told you at the beginning that "today I have nothing to do but smile". That's just a saying, because I've put the laundry to wash, now it's time to hang it out in the sun. I also have to cook something since my stomach is growling, and maybe I can read a little after lunch. I laugh here because I know the book will fall on me and I'll end up taking a nap, but... oh well, it will be a productive day after all.


    He played the violin with great mastery.


    Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.

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