City of Silence.

in voilk •  2 months ago

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    With sleep still lingering in my eyes, I entered the kitchen, seeking my much-desired morning brew. As I fumbled to start the coffee maker, I caught sight of my earmuffs sitting on the counter where I had tossed them last night. I should have put those away, but the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee quickly distracted me.

    Even though I live in a residential area, it is still noisy daily. Whether it was the clanging of construction work, the ringing of blacksmiths, the church/temple bell, the neighbor's untrained dog, or the roosters crowing at the break of dawn, there was never any real peace for me.

    Cars honking, sirens wailing, neighbors blasting music. Even at home, it feels impossible to escape.

    Growing up around constant noise can lead to behavior problems, difficulty learning - the list goes on. I think about the school just down the street and worry for those kids. I wish I could wrap each of them in a cocoon of quiet.

    It is because the constant noise hinders their cognitive development.

    Sometimes it feels hopeless like there's nothing I can do to push back against the endless assault on my eardrums.

    Speak to your neighbors, use soundproofing materials, Report loud noises, Invest in quieter appliances, and Plant trees and shrubs; I hope by taking these steps, you can help reduce the noise pollution in your area.

    Many people desire to visit the past and experience life during bygone eras. We can't go back in time, but those simpler days when we weren't so heavily dependent on electronic and digital technology seem like a golden era. Screens, radios, and televisions would often be the source of noise that disrupted our quiet.

    Following a deep breath, I savored a generous amount of my coffee. The sounds of the city are already creeping in through the cracked kitchen window.

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    Another day of noise awaits. I glance again at my earmuffs sitting unused on the counter. Today may be the occasion when I effectively implement their purpose.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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