Ella y Él - [ESP-ENG]

in voilk •  last month

    Bing IA

    Ella caminaba dentro del desierto, donde el frio del día y el calor de la noche le acompañaban, la oscuridad de la luz le permitía ver a lo lejos lo que buscaba. Era ella misma fuera de sí.

    Era él dentro de ella lo que veía desde fuera.

    Ella lo llamaba con sonidos altos y él viéndole desde ella solo con señas le respondía:

    -No te oigo decía, No puedo escucharte. Ven dentro de ti misma para poder sentirte -pensaba en voz alta-.​

    Mientras ella se alejaba de sí, hacia la luz de la oscuridad, donde él estaba.
    Por qué te fuiste - ella gritaba- mientras él en su cuerpo meditaba:

    No me he ido, contigo siempre he estado
    Solo que nunca me has sentido a tu lado,
    No sé cómo decirte o mostrarme a tus ojos siempre vendados,
    Por la tristeza que te da pensar que te he abandonado.

    -"Si corres no podrás dar vuelta atrás", le decía,

    Pero aun cuando no le podía escuchar volteó hacia ella donde siempre había estado
    y al volver en sí lo vio a su lado,
    Abrazados, pero era ella la que sin vida había quedado.

    Lloraba a cántaros el hombre en su pecho acostado,
    Con sus manos a su cuerpo rodeado,
    Por qué te fuiste, mi vida, te amo,
    Sin decirme si quiera por qué nos has abandonado.

    Maldita suerte la que te ha tocado,
    Y ahora soy yo quien te llora demasiado,
    Esperando verte de nuevo reír fuerte como un colibrí enamorado,
    Pero ahora soy yo quien te llora como niño malcriado.​

    She walked within the desert, where the cold of the day and the heat of the night accompanied her, the darkness of the light allowed her to see in the distance what she was looking for. It was herself beside herself.

    It was him inside of her that she saw from the outside.

    She called out to him with loud sounds and he, seeing her from within, only responded with signals:

    -I can't hear you, he said, I can't listen to you. Come within yourself to be able to feel you, he thought out loud.​

    As she moved away from herself, towards the light of the darkness, where he was.
    Why did you leave - she shouted - while he in his body meditated:

    I haven't gone, I have always been with you
    Only you have never felt me by your side,
    I don't know how to tell you or show myself to your always blinded eyes,
    Because of the sadness that overwhelms you at the thought of being abandoned.

    "If you run, you won't be able to turn back," he said,

    But even though she couldn't hear him she turned towards him where he had always been
    and upon coming back to herself she saw him by her side,
    Embraced, but it was she who had remained lifeless.

    The man wept buckets on his chest lying down,
    His hands embracing his own body,
    Why did you leave, my love, I love you,
    Without even telling me why you have abandoned us.

    Cursed luck that has befallen you,
    And now it's me who cries for you too much,
    Hoping to see you again laughing loudly like a love-struck hummingbird,
    But now it's me who cries for you like a spoiled child.​

    Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

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