Wednesday Walk Under The Blazing Sun

in voilk •  3 months ago
    According to @justineparke, the admin of @asean.hive community is expecting my thought about Beating the Heat and here is my story.

    I came here since April 1998 so I know well the climate and environment. And not only the environment but also the culture and traditions. What I never know before about the religion Islam with two different sects, The Sunni and the Shia.


    How To Beat The Heat?

    In my own theory and understanding, the wearing of satin black long sleeve dress as we called it Abaya is the old and new fashion of beating the heat. It popped up in my mind that it is not only to cover their body languages to avoid attraction by male intruders when they are outside. It is also a way to protect us from the direct heat of the sun rays to our skin. Would you believe that covering my whole body including my face made me comfortable and easy to walk compared in walking without abaya in public? Sometimes, when the day is too hot, I preferred wearing abaya in my garden. The cloth being used in making abaya are mostly made up of like the umbrella or satin for the daily used going out to a public place. It protecs me from heat and rain during rainy days. The rain water will not absorb easily inside, just like the hot sun rays could not penetrate into my skin. Abaya is one way of beating the direct heat of the sun.

    My Version of Beating the Heat

    Everytime, I walked for my remittances, I kept my umbrella as my companion to protect me. It was a funny moment for the Arabian people when they saw me using umbrella for the first time walking g along the busy street. I was gracefully walking like a model along the road side but they bashed and shouted at me laughing and said, "Hey, you look so funny using umbrella without rain."






    Instead of getting mad, I answered them that , in my country, umbrella is a multipurpose protection both from rain and sunny days. From now on, no one laughed at me. But still, I am the only person using umbrella while walking during sunny days iny workplace.Until now,no one dare to walk with umbrella in this city and even Filipinos are not using it. There's no one except me beating the heat of the sun by using umbrella. Maybe, even the Filipinos feel ashamed and shy doing it but me, it's my choice. It protects me while walking and I love to feel that I became the center of attraction on the busy street going to the bank.

    Serious way to beat the heat

    We need to have more water to drinks, eat juice fruits and of course,people here cannot live without aircon. Every room has an aircon and eventhe kitchen or stock room. The big sala has a centralized air- conditioning too.

    For your information, I dare myself taking the screenshot about the hottest temperature record here in Saudi Arabia, and I credit it to the >Wekipedia


    That is the record according to the internet that I screenshot. And today, at 10:18 in the morning, I woke up with 35°c. I am not yet going outside and our room is cold now with the aircon opened since last night.

    Special Information

    During g the day of fasting, when you are not drinking liquids or water or eating foods, you are not sweating even if you are doing your job and it is proven to myself. And when a saliva in our mouth produces, spit it out and you will never get hungry or thirsty. That is just my observation to myself. This is also my one way of beating the heat. Sweating causes heat to my body though it is necessarily needed to us to remove toxin from our body but if the temperature is to hot, I do this most especially when I want to walk for one hou. When I arrived home, I drink water and start sweating a lot.

    That's all for today and stay safe from the heatstroke. The temperature is vulnerable to cause this problem.

    Thank you #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay, #hiveph and to @asean.hive admin and community members support.

    HIVE ON!


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