"Halo" (Season 2, Episode 2) by Juan Dela Cruz Review: Engaging Title

in voilk •  3 months ago


    In episode 1, we finally saw Master Chief's strutting his wares against Covenant enemies in Sanctuary. Episode 2 started where Episode 1 left off. In each episode, the possibility of Covenant's invasion of Reach has become increasingly imminent.

    "Halo" (Season 2, Episode 2) is still all about politics and the eagerness of Ackerson to portray the Master Chief as delusional therefore he is not fit to return to active duty let alone in active combat.

    Ackerson's real motives

    Ackerson is known as a rival of Dr. Halsey and when I learned that Ackerson has Dr. Halsey in custody I began to think what his motives in holding Dr. Halsey. Also, with the way he (Ackerson) is painting a picture of the Master Chief I am beginning to think that he is up to no good. And there are lots of elements surrounding his motives. One is he keeps on sending a clone of his sister to talk to Dr. Halsey. Second, he seems to be hell-bent on destroying the image of the Master Chief and the Silver Team by manipulating Kai. Third, is the issue about the Cobalt Team which the Master Chief is very concerned about.

    The Master Chief has become suspicious on the whereabouts of Cobalt Team, a team of Spartan IIs.

    Riz, Kwan Ha, and Corporal Perez

    In this episode, we got to see a lot of changes in Riz after she took her pellet. The pellet is a device designed to control the emotions of all Spartans. The transition of scenes in this episode gives a lot of information about the path of the series. Kwan Ha was seen having her share of important scenes and is now allied with the wife of Soren. Riz is also beginning to explore "another" life as she is actively seeking help while off-duty. The scenes of Kwan Ha made me think that she is going to play an important role in future episodes.

    About Corporal Perez, I was not surprised when the UNSC prevented her from saying what she saw, or shall I say Ackerson prevented her from saying what she saw. The reason is probably not to cause panic and I am sure the panic is the lesser concern I am sure Ackerson is planning something that is why he prevented Corporal Perez from talking.

    Riz seeking help from outside the UNSC. This is the episode where she learned the word "pain". Which was the effect of her removing the emotion-suppressing pellet on her body


    To be honest, there are still lots of scenes about manipulation in this episode which I don't like at all. I have seen lots of disgusting politics in episode one and yet here we are again in episode showing lots of manipulation. Why they don't let Master Chief wear his armor and fight the Covenant?

    Kai talking to Ackerson which she has no idea that Ackerson is using her to tear Silver Team apart

    Cortana reappears

    In all honesty, I like watching Cortana because of her nature, as an AI. What I don't like is that she seems to be a prisoner of UNSC under the supervision of Ackerson as she reappears in the later part of the episode. I thought Ackerson was going to ask about the artifact near the tube where Cortana is imprisoned. And I am actually surprised that her appearance seems to be a deviation of her from season one but all in all, she still looks like an AI, a super-AI I should say.

    By the way, after seeing Cortana, I am actually thinking that she is suspicious of Ackerson and her allegiance is still with Dr. Halsey and the Master Chief. I think she is only giving what Ackerson is asking so that he is not going to be suspicious of her.

    Cortana appears and seems to be well acquainted with Ackerson which she call Colonel


    All in all this episode is good except of course the seeming unending scenes of attacking the mental state of the Master Chief. I think that the appearance of Cortana in this episode will be followed up in the next episode and I also think that Riz and Kwan Ha will have a monumental effect on the series in the coming episode as Riz is becoming more of a human while Kwan Ha is still eager to do the right thing for his people.

    We should not forget that at this point Soren is in custody (probably the doing of Ackerson). I think that Soren will again have a huge impact on the coming episodes.

    In each episode, it is becoming more exciting and I am waiting for the Master Chief to wear that armor again and no more disgusting politics (because we already knew what the politics is going on).

    Note: All images on this blog were screenshots from the film itself

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