Gaddiel's Love Rival

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Labron was standing on the porch of his lover's mansion, Gaddiel, anxiously reading one of the hot news in the newspaper of the day, a news article about the release of electric current from a dance pole and burning of dancer Pagan.

    For a few moments, he looked at the image of the burnt body of that woman, her spiked hair and bulging eyes, and then he threw the newspaper on the table in the porch and entered the room and saw Gaddiel who was calmly lying on the bed and listening to the radio's song. He angrily hit the radio button and turned it off.

    Gaddiel said with annoyance:
    "Labron, I was listening."

    Labron went to him and stood over top of him.
    "Too cool for someone who committed murder."

    "I just gave that woman what she deserved."

    "I have told you a thousand times that there is no emotional relationship between me and Pagan."

    Gaddiel said in a mocking tone.
    "Oh, really? Is that why you're so angry about her death?"

    Labron bent down and grabbed Gaddiel's arms and shook him violently.
    "Why don't you understand? They will come to you and arrest you."

    Gaddiel separated Labron's hands from himself.
    "There's no way they'll know it was me. I wasn't even in the club."

    "There are police officers who know about wizards and have tools to detect magical waves in the air."

    Gaddiel gave him a pitiful smile.
    "Honey, you shouldn't believe these grandmother stories."

    And he got up and went to the door of the room.

    "Where are you going?"

    "To the funeral of that hated woman."

    Labron ran to the door and leaned against it.
    "No, you shouldn't."

    Gaddiel put his hand on Labron's cheek and said in a tone that was a mixture of anger and sympathy.
    "My love, your dear Pagan was my close friend. If I don't attend her funeral, others will be suspicious."

    Labron pulled away helplessly and let Gaddiel leave the room and then sat down on the floor and remembered Pagan holding his hands and saying:
    "I know you're in a difficult situation. Gaddiel always gets you in trouble with his rash actions. But you bear it because of your deep love for him."

    Gaddiel made it to the funeral and, wearing a sad face and shedding artificial tears, hugged Pagan's family members and friends and went to his casket and looked at her face, which was skillfully changed by the make up artist and there was no trace of burn in it.
    "Pagan, even though you're dead, your presence still haunts me. I can't tell if Labron is angry due to your loss, or because I committed a crime and might be caught and executed."

    And this time, real tears filled his eyes and flowed down his cheeks.


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