Enjoy delicious beef soup and go out at night to buy crispy fried bananas

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Assalamualaikum wr wb?
    Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are fine. This afternoon I made beef soup which still had a little left over and I made soup for breaking the fast. I think this is quite delicious when breaking the fast. What a coincidence, all the ingredients are still in the refrigerator, carrots, potatoes and spring onions I don't want to waste time cooking delicious beef, cooking is my desire to make my family more appetizing, especially children and I also make strawberry colored water to make it even fresher.

    Actually making beef soup is a little slow because I have to boil the beef until it is really soft so that my child can eat it. If it's still hard, how can we eat it? It makes him annoyed and I keep boiling it until it's soft and while waiting for the meat, I make it. Brownie sponge cake for breaking the fast snack because this afternoon I didn't go out to buy snacks so I just made it at home. I was too busy with work at home so I didn't have time to go out for a walk and buy snacks. There was also a neighbor who was selling several tigers. snacks but today I want to make my own.


    After I broke the fast, my heart felt happy because I was able to fast up to this point. Hopefully I will always be strong for the future. I also drank quite a lot of cold water because I felt thirsty. Moreover, the weather in my country is currently very hot from morning to evening. It's still hot, that's the only reason. drink more so that my energy returns to normal, and eat homemade beef soup, it tastes delicious and delicious, this is a big compliment to myself. I smile a little saying this, but this is the fact that my soup dish is really delicious.

    After I enjoyed all the dishes that I made with my husband, we felt full and we performed the three rak'ah evening prayers, this was a little difficult because we drank too much, but we have to pray without exception. I finished the prayer and rested for a while and played with our little son. Living simply makes me feel very happy because being rich doesn't necessarily mean that our life will be happy, so it's like a candle that is willing to run out to light up the dark night, for example.



    And when it was time for congregational tarawih prayers, I didn't go because I had to look after my little son, there was no one to look after him if I had to go to tarawih, so I just stayed at home with my son, let my husband go, at 9:30 I just got home from tarawih and I didn't I opened my stall because I wanted to go out and go to Simpang Rangkaya to buy crispy fried bananas because I hadn't eaten them for a long time.

    So I went out to buy it. I took my husband who had just come back from Tarawih and my husband immediately changed his clothes and we went on a motorbike. Our first son didn't want to come with us, he just wanted to go to grandma's house, he said, that's it. If a child likes playing with his friends and going for a walk, he doesn't want to go anymore.



    It turned out that at Simpang Rangkaya there were a lot of people who came out, maybe to look for something they wanted. We went around first before buying crispy fried bananas because we wanted to see the atmosphere at night in the holy month of Ramadhan which was full of lots of people on the street and we I've been walking around and it's a bit tiring and I immediately bought crispy fried bananas and I had to queue first because there were still several other people whose orders weren't ready and I came and ordered just one portion. I thought it was enough because I still felt full and I paid for it. went home and enjoyed the crispy fried bananas with great gratitude.

    That's it from me, I hope you like my post and thank you for stopping by my post.

    Greetings from me @maulidar

    Thanks you


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