Five minutes freewrite | Rise Of Nationalism

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    History says that the western country founded Africa many years ago, they came and saw a beautiful land with beautiful dark skin people but as history records that they only came for their economic benefits.

    Just like most African countries who were unfortunate enough to fall a victim into the hands of the French colonial masters happened to face the policy of assimilation which was aim at abolishing their old ways of life and forcing them to cherish the ways of the French masters.

    Which indeed wasn't fair at all because the French had no right to force any one to cherish their own way of life all in the name of colonialism.

    Nigeria for example the British came to colonize, our four father's welcome them with open arms but at the end we later realize that they were not interested in building the nation rather their aim was our resources to benefit their economy.

    All thanks to our fallen heroes who rose and fought our battle for all of us, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe who founded the nym (Nigerian youth movement) for the purpose of uniting and enlightening the mind of the people about the infiltrated colonial aim.

    And with the help of the mass medias the whole nation was brought to awareness and after many years of struggle in the year 1960 Nigeria finally got her independence and we were free from the chain of be feed on by our colonial masters.

    All thanks to Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe our first head of state and some other educated elite who worked hand in hand with him to ensure that Nigeria gained her independence.

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