The Things I Take For Granted

in voilk •  7 days ago


    Steadily, I walk the walk and talk the talk Jn used to keep body and soul together while earning a living. You know, this life is too short to be wasting time on some stuff that yields no return to you. Looking back in time, I see how much time I have already wasted chasing shadows and the result was a total emptiness and I do not want to tow that line anymore.
    This is the reason I have to let go of something, I take them for granted because they do not add value to my life.

    How The Earth Rotate around the Sun or vice versa

    This may sound funny. Right from my college days, I do not see the reason why I should bother seeking the process of the earth's rotation. I understand that science and geographers would spend an entire lifetime seeking this knowledge but for me on the contrary, I feel that the most pressing matter is how we should put food on the table.
    Over the world and especially in Africa, good water and general living conditions are seriously poor and need the attention of government, corporate organizations and any such you can think of to render help. I feel that we have enough problems already to handle than seeking what nature has already defined.


    My Age

    I have been told to the face that I am nonchalant about my age. For me, age is just a bunch of numbers. Getting close to my mid-forties does not look like anything to me. And I don't like being pushed around by some motivational speakers who post different things on social media and the internet.
    When I read about hat kind of foods one must not eat, I begin to wander what amount of food we have in the world that would warrant one not to eat all that have been counted.
    You can imagine being told not to eat bread, eggs, red meat. All my life, these are the foods that I was brought up with and now, some motivational speakers are making age to be a problem.
    My brother, I live my life comfortably as much as I know I am.not hurting my health and that all that matters to me. Let the age continue to count, let me continue to live.

    Other People's Possessions.

    Some years ago, my friends poured accolades on me for not being bothers about what other persons wore, ate or the kind of car they drove.
    Seriously, I believe we are all humans and everyone has a time to arrive. Some may never arrive at such a level where they will termed as wealthy.
    We are first human before we become wealthy or the reverse. I don't take what people own or have attained to as a requisite for interacting with them.

    However, my kind of person is one who believe that irrespective of social status, background and race; man is man. No one has two heads. This is all that matters and this understanding helps us to respect one another.

    •All image used here are mine

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