The future ~ Digital era

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Nowadays, AI is the new method which helps us with our work. You can easily create AI generated texts and photos and you don’t have to work hard at all. You just gotta type it to AI to do your work which is the most easiest thing ever and you can have it completed instant.

    Well, having machines to do the hard work
    is a good thing for humanity in general and it creates a problem based on how you allow it to happen. But the employment of robots and Al can cause to drain the amount salary for other employees. The unemployment would increase and people would suffer more to find a job. Just like in my country people who has completed their studies they still find it difficulties. There is clearly a severe problem here. I think we should not allow robots to displace people from their jobs. There should be laws to ban robots and Al from occupying certain jobs. Al will get smarter day by day and those things will become less and less effective.

    I think people who has the skills to design and build moreover, who are able to program robots they will be the main sector of the economy. Unfortunately, this will result in people not getting ‘good’ jobs.
    Guess what? Only few jobs are considered as ‘good’ jobs. As people see it like it won’t count as a good job If most people can have a job. They would consider it as a ‘good’ job when it would make them feel like that they are very lucky to be able to have such a rewarding job. Anyways, in practical when robots will do most jobs of the humans in which they will be much more better than humans then most of the works will be done better.

    Yes, robots can make our life easier and do it better than us there are many things which is very hard for a human to do then we can use robots to take over those situations. But we should not let robots take control all over. Because if we do that then what will others do they will face unemployment which is not good for any nation. People are already struggling for jobs and if robots and AI take over everything then people would crave for jobs more. There are some cases where people lose their life because they could not find a job and they can’t find a way for earning. It does create a big issue but what can we do about it ? Nothing can stop the developments.

    New creations are bound to happen and we are the ones who will decide how to take proper care of those things. If we neglect the problems we will never rise. I truly believe that there must be jobs which robots and AI should be banned from which will help a little bit I guess. Also, it can be dangerous to let the robots and AI rule us. Because we are supposed to be the ones who will be ruling which is human beings.

    Look at the digital devices such as phones like you can do everything through your phone like making calls or stay connected with friends or to watch a show. Everything is done by your phone and it took a long time to invent this into a smart phone. Before we didn’t have smart phone on telephones. Well, I am trying to say that we can’t stop something digital to be a part of us but we should never let it take control over everything.

    Life is very easy we should not complicate it by thinking silly things and there are solution to every problems. All we have to do is have patience and right time will come. I truly admire those people who are working behind to create robots and AI to make our life easier.


    About the Author
    My name is Haya, I am from Bangladesh, currently I am a student and I started my journey as a content creator in 2019 , Mainly I am interested in gaming, I am a professional Esports player of PUBG MOBILE. I am known as the most famous female player from PUBG MOBILE Bangladesh gaming community. Mask is my identity I do not intend to reveal my face in future that’s why you will see me in mask in every pictures. I have taken interested in HIVE because it’s the best platform for a content creator like me. I also like travelling, photography, drawing, gardening, blogging and many more things I intend to attempt in my free times.

    • The Photos were taken from Canva
    • Photos edited with PicsArt Mobile app and Canva
    • All content are mine unless otherwise noted

    All Rights reserved @ayamihaya


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