Happy Sunday y'all !!!
A good "chill" tune to put you in the mood for this wintry post…
Well it's beautiful and it is a Sunday, but I'm not sure if that makes it a Sublime Sunday. People always say the snow looks so pretty, but to my eyes I've seen enough snow to last a lifetime. As a rule cold weather is part and parcel with snowy weather, and the older I get the less I like the cold! Having driven a 3-hour commute for over a decade, the only saving grace of the whole situation is the fact that I don't have to drive in the mess anymore.
It's literally like a snow globe! Like Charlie Daniels wrote in the lyrics to Carolina, "snow flakes as big as goose feathers."
The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!
From what I've heard the storm is going to continue throughout the day and through Monday so it is undoubtedly putting a crimp in my working at the lake activities. This is a picture I took on Friday when the temps were in the 30s. To me, that is a good working temperature as I don't feel the cold because I wear several layers of sweatshirts. Any temp over freezing and I'm golden as long as it is not raining!
Yes you can plainly tell I have plenty of wood that needs cutting, sorting, and disposing. A lot of work ahead, to be sure, but I look at it as good exercise and a cheap gym membership.
Happy Sunday Snowday!!!
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