The Last Boy

in voilk •  4 months ago

    For the last boy, the soft one, was like everyone knew, no room since softness is misplaced in a cruel world where the brutals reign.

    How to save a child in pain? Most of them found a way, a method not accepted but what to do if you do not even receive a lukewarm welcome?

    She came from far away and travelled through time to save what was left of the present world, a place so different from the past she knows.

    It was time to ship him, just like the albatross, to a resort where both could rest without being disturbed by a world filled with robots in charge. Although, humans aren't machines that doesn't mean they don't need energy to function well and time to recharge.

    source #pic1000 prompt

    She reached out to the sky and opened the gate and with a loud thunder, it did.

    Off you go soft boy, she whispered, don't be late. The albatross will be your ship it's a loyal one and safe, better than that goose Nils Holgerson used to travel around his world.

    She hugged him and waved goodbye after ensuring him he would love the place she was sending him to.

    No worries sweet child your time will come in the second to last resort you will never be short on anything and loved by all.

    The boy, that very last boy who had lived on earth left with a kiss, a hug and a smile. Off he flew into the amber light. He would never grow up and become a man since childhood is the best time of one's life and children can never have enough of that.

    Her hand reached out to the sky again as she saw the boy leave on the back of the albatross the biggest duck that nature had ever created. He waved and she waved back, sent a kiss and closed the gates to heaven behind him.

    Goodbye sweet child, from now on no more lukewarm welcomes may every wish you have come true.

    With the next lightning and thunder, the lady of the past was gone leaving a black sky behind. One day she might return again if there's a reason to, a good one like saving the latest inhabitant not out of the rise of nationalism but the hands of technology and AI, from a future it is hard to fit in.

    _21549988-de54-4e92-a99b-ae521f7d90f6.jpeg.jpg source

    Header/Photogrid: Canva
    I am a mobile phone user only

    Header source photo

    I used to write and force myself to write faster and trigger my brain.

    I edited (checked the prompts) and used about 8 prompts to built this #story / #freewrite - prompts are written in bold

    I use to count words


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