Simba stories: I haz a sad

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Simba's doing well but jail life is really starting to get to him, he's 3 1/2 weeks post surgery and he really wants out. Next week I must get him back to the vet for x-rays, to see whether the bone is healing or not and that will be the decider whether he's in for another 2 or 4 weeks of jail time or amputation if there's no union of bone happening. I think his young age will have been helpful in the healing process, he's definitely feeling a lot better.

    simba out.jpg
    Smelling the weeds

    I took him outside so that he could get a break from the cage and do cat things

    eating grass.jpg

    Eating grass. As you can see, little Batman is now completely recovered and plotting mischief. The two of them attempted some very boisterous play and I had to intervene and take Simba back to jail because that's very definitely against doctor's orders. It's hard when you are only seven months old and confined to a cage.

    For some reason, Simba has diarrhoea again. He isn't sick but I went and got more Fenbendazole from the vet. It could be that he had a low-level protozoal infection - Giardia - before his accident and the painkillers complicated the situation and he had a bacterial infection too. Now that his stomach is better, the protozoan infection remains. When his brothers and sisters were treated, because his littermates had chronic diarrhoea, he'd already been given away so didn't get the treatment that they got. I hope that the Fenbendazole and some probiotics resolves the problem for him because I'm definitely not up for more emergencies.


    The hangry cat has finally got a name: Dennis (the menace)

    In other news, winter is approaching and the father of these 2 rascals has decided that he's not spending another winter outside and comes inside the house at every opportunity. Katia and Batman don't mind him but Toffee, Yoda, Peanuts and Wookie are very unhappy and I'm going to have to try harder to rehome him. He's a sweetie but I now have too many cats and can't keep complicating my own cats lives

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