Oleg and beer!

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Oleg was a man of many talents, but his greatest passion was his love of beer. He could tell you the history of every brew, the perfect temperature for serving it, and the ideal snack to complement it. However, Oleg's enthusiasm for beer sometimes led to unfortunate consequences.

    One evening, after a particularly long day at work, Oleg decided to treat himself to a few pints at his favorite pub. As the night wore on, Oleg's spirits (and his blood alcohol level) rose. Feeling particularly brave, he decided to challenge the bartender to a drinking contest.

    The bartender, a seasoned pro, accepted the challenge. They downed pint after pint, each one more quickly than the last. Oleg held his own for a while, but eventually, the sheer volume of beer began to take its toll. He started slurring his words, stumbling over his feet, and even trying to eat his own hat.

    Finally, Oleg collapsed under the table, defeated. The bartender, amused but also a little concerned, helped Oleg home. As Oleg lay in bed, nursing a terrible headache, he vowed never to challenge a bartender to a drinking contest again.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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