Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Little League But Big Plays

in voilk •  4 months ago
    Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Ranked Modern Diamond in the Little League rule set.


    I don't usually love Little League but this was an interesting game with 2 very different teams.


    Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_8bd7fb82fd9aaa3078b1124824050901


    This game has the following rule sets: Little League, Maneuvers, and Rise of the Commons. I went with an Obsidian team, using 2 melee monsters as tanks and taking advantage of the Reach provided by the rule set. Xenith Monk in the first position to take any possible opposing magic attacks and Hill Giant next. I knew I wanted to use Moxian Rebel and 2 non-attackers. I went with the 2 that seemed the best options: Scavo Hireling and Chaos Agent. Chaos Agent could be a good protection against Sneak attacks, if I'm a bit lucky. That's because the other 2 have Camouflage. For the final slot, I went with Madcap Magus mainly because it can grow a lot due to the Life Leech. They went with Quix. Using Antoid Platoon in the first position for physical damage protection and Exploding Rats in the second position. They tried to protect their Rat from a potential coin flip on the same speed by having 2 other monsters that control the speed: Scavo Chemist and Naga Assassin. They also played Dhampir Infiltrator and Vruz.


    Their extra speed was pretty important, as they attacked several times before any of my monsters did. My Chaos Agent only dodged one attack from the Infiltrator and my Monk also died before attacking. My Madcap was able to hit the most important monster: Exploding Rats. In round 2 they killed my Madcap but I was able to finish Antoid Platoon and Scavo Chemist. At this point, I couldn't lose anymore. They took out my Hill Giant but my Hireling attacked before the Infiltrator because it had the same speed and had magic attack. I couldn't lose anymore because they had only 1 monster that could attack and Hireling would repair the armor every turn. Great game for me but I had luck on my side by hitting the Rats with the Madcap and my Hill Giant not missing the attack on Chesmist.


    What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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    All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io

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