Garbage Meal Set ごみのミールセット [English and Japanese]

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Garbage Meal Set

    Well..., spring is still not completely here yet, but after melting the thick snow, the garbage pops out from under the snow. I usually clean up the garbage next to the main road near my house entrance. I can't see the entrance from my house, but I need to maintain the driveway constantly otherwise, people throw garbage on the road.

    If I don't clean up the garbage quickly, other people will add more garbage because it looks okay to dump their garbage adding onto the first one, I guess.

    Usually, people throw their garbage from their car windows. I've written about this issue before, but I still haven't found a solution. I noticed that there is mostly fast food meal set garbage, coffee cups, bags, energy drinks, beer cans, or snacks. I see regular fast food store garbage mostly with the logo with the red trademark. Hmm..., there are very famous sponsors' names on the garbage as well.

    The other day when I was collecting the garbage, it looked like the garbage from a meal set, so I took a picture of it. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but this is a pretty serious issue for our society. I don't see garbage from delicious slow-food stores but I often see very cheap fast-food garbage.

    Additionally, I often find garbage the next morning even after I pick it up. Do people eat fast food dinner in their car? If so, it's sad... They have no time to cook their meals, no time to sit at the dinner table, no time to clean up their dishes... I rarely enjoy eating junk food, but I can't eat fast food for dinner to maintain my preexisting medical conditions. I don't say my diet is very good, but I am trying to cook my meals as much as I can.

    When I was younger, I didn't have enough energy and time to care about my health condition. I was a workaholic. I worked so much and didn't have time to eat food slowly. I sometimes skipped some of my meals. Then..., I started noticing that I have a chronic sickness. That's why when I see these types of garbage, I feel sorry and sad for someone who has no time to eat.


    By the way, when I focused on the photo I took for my writing, I noticed an interesting logo on the Nuggets package. There is a Japanese logo that says "Chicken Wcnuggets (チキンワックナゲット)." What?? I never knew about this product because I don't eat fast food much. Also, there is a logo that says "WcDonalds (ワクドナルド)" on the side of the box with the 'W' logo instead of 'M.' What??? However, there is another logo that says "Chicken McNuggets (チキンマックナゲット)" as well on the other side of the package. Mysterious! I thought these were just cute spelling errors at first. I searched for the reason, but I couldn't find it. It's interesting to notice funny Japanese logos like this.

    Anyway, I hope we can produce less plastic garbage for our environment...
    Japanese 日本語












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