[Esp/Eng] Concurso TBT una foto una historia un día de esos. La graduación de mi prima Lelé. / TBT contest one photo one story one of those days. My cousin Lelé's graduation.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    ¡Hola a todos en esta apreciada #Comunidad Top Family! Que gusto me da saludarlos nuevamente en este #juevesTbt en esta ocasión les traigo una de mis bonitos recuerdos, es una fotografía de cuando mi prima se graduó de abogado.

    Hello to everyone in this beloved #TopFamily Community! What a pleasure it gives me to greet you again on this #ThursdayTbt on this occasion I bring you one of my beautiful memories, it's a picture of when my cousin graduated as a lawyer.


    Este momento es muy especial porque mi prima Lelé, le digo asi por cariño, su nombre es Lesbia, tenemos la misma edad, su mamá y la mia, son primas hermanas, y nos criaron juntas, inclusive estuvimos años estudiando juntas en el colegio de las monjas, pero pasó un incidente familiar muy doloroso para todos y se fueron a vivir para otra ciudad, pero seguíamos en contacto. Yo siempre visitaba su casa en Maturin, cuando crecimos yo seguí mis estudios y ella no.

    This moment is very special because my cousin Lelé, I call her that out of affection, her name is Lesbia, we are the same age, her mother and my mother are first cousins, and we were raised together, we even spent years studying together at the nuns' school, but a very painful family incident happened and they left to live in another city, but we kept in touch. I always visited her house in Maturin, when we grew up I continued my studies and she did not.


    Les cuento esto, porque por años estuve detrás de ella para que hiciera una carrera, y la hizo, se graduó de TSU en publicidad, pero su esposo no la dejaba trabajar, seguí insistiendole que tenía que realizarse, que no solo era la casa y los muchachos, pues a escondidas ella hizo la carrera de derecho.
    Yo lo sabía, pero tenia que guardar el secreto, hasta el día de la graduación, su esposo no se enteró que tenía un abogado en la casa.

    I tell you this, because for years I was after her to make a career, and she did it, she graduated from TSU in advertising, but her husband would not let her work, I kept insisting that she had to be fulfilled, that it was not only the house and the boys, because she secretly made a career in law.
    I knew it, but I had to keep it a secret, until the day of graduation, her husband did not find out that she had a lawyer in the house.


    En todo ese tiempo que duró la carrera, yo le decía que hablada con él, pero ella se negaba, pues alegaba que no la iba a apoyar, y que él se oponía a que ella se independizara económicamente. Bueno cuando al fin el esposo se entera, el se puso serio un tiempo con todos, pero como le dije en su momento, no estaba en mis manos decirle, aunque él sabía que yo siempre la había animado a que estudiara.

    During the whole time that the career lasted, I told her to talk to him, but she refused, claiming that he would not support her, and that he was opposed to her becoming financially independent. Well, when her husband finally found out, he became serious for a while with everyone, but as I told him at the time, it was not in my hands to tell him, although he knew that I had always encouraged her to study.


    Al final él aceptó la decisión de ella, no había de otra, ya tenía una profesional del derecho y sin "derecho" a réplica 🫢. Total, mi tía, sus hijos y yo disfrutamos de su grado, fue muy emocionante, yo viajé expresamente para acompañarla en esa ocasión especial. Me gustó mucho verla recibir su título y superar las restricciones que le imponía, su ya anterior, esposo. Ahorita ella ejerce, hasta juez de menores ha sido y se ha superado con varios postgrados y diplomados. ¡Enhorabuena Lelé!

    In the end he accepted her decision, there was no other way, he already had a legal professional and without "right" to reply 🫢.
    All in all, my aunt, her children and I enjoyed her degree, it was very exciting, I traveled expressly to accompany her on that special occasion. I was very pleased to see her receive her degree and overcome the restrictions imposed on her by her former husband.
    Now she is practicing, she has even been a juvenile judge and she has overcome her restrictions with several postgraduate degrees and diplomas. Congratulations Lelé!


    ya en ejercicio/ Already in practice

    Muchas gracias por visitarme y es muy emocionante recibir sus comentarios, los sabré apreciar. ¡Muchos cariños!

    Thank you very much for visiting me and it is very exciting to receive your comments, I will appreciate them. Much love!


    📸 fotografía tomada por/ photograph taken by @damelysh, Samsung A13
    📓 traducción por/ translation by Traductor de DeepL
    🌄 banderas editadas en/ banners edited in Canva

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