Day 47/366 Y2024: Social Media Challenge -The Ultimate Opportunity Line Up

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hello again Splinter Friends , another weeks is here again to share about exciting things that happen for this week in our favorite game Splinterlands.

    For this weeks' social media challenge I will be sharing my ultimate dream team. This was made possible because of the ruleset Are you not Entertained? This allows gladius cards to be used in rank battle without using the soulbound summoners that allows us to use gladius cards

    So the dream team I was talking about is a line up consisting of 3 opportunity skill equipped units. Now that possible now, like I said because of availability of gladius cards and the new Soulbound cards, it is now a reality

    So now let's check the battle and see how amazing this lineup is.

    Line Up Selection


    This featured battle in this challenge will make you guys appreciate the importance of collecting this New Soulbound cards and also participating in brawls that allows us to get soulbound cards.

    As you can see there are three opportunity cards that are present in my line up, and they are from different sets.

    • Kulu Mastermind a Legendary Soulbound Reward
    • Deeplurker a Common cards from the core Chaos Legion set
    • Isgald Vorst a Common card from the gladius set

    Now let's see how this cards perform in the battlefield.

    Battle Highlights


    • Both of us used the water element, since in the available elements water have the strongest units in my opinion.
    • In this battle Noa the just played a crucial role with it's rust ability allowing the shield from the buff from Kelya to be negated. This allowed me to strike directly on to the opponents health.


    • Because of Baakjira's slow, the opposing team were the one to hit first, and as you can see they also have 2 opportunity units. Since Isgald has the lowest health, he's the priority target. Thanks to the blind from my flying squid, both attacks missed .


    • The opponents Diemonshark was first to fall, thanks for them not having any armor,Kulu was able to deliver the final blow.
    • Then followed by Deeplurker targeting and eliminating the opponents Kulu. NOw this Priority serving it's purpose.


    • Kulu and Deeplurker targeted Phantom of Abbys, this monster is hard to deal with because of it's speed and dodge ability . But thankfully Isgald was able to connects it's attack. Now this is the best part about gladius, every time they eliminate a unit ,all their stats were boosted. So even poisoned he was able to sustained because of the boost every after an elimination.


    • My tank was now gone too, and on the other side Oahannus was tanking with his forcefield , good thing my squid and Isgald both have below 5 damage , diminishing Oshannus health just to one, it's Kulu again that delivered the final blow.


    • The battle continued , Isgald eliminated the enemy deeplurker, boosting again it's stats , leaving him a single health after the poison.

    • For this last round the Baakjira took all the punches from everybody and eventually fall down.


    • All I can say is there are a lot of possible line ups now. The Soulbound rewards cards in addition to the enablement of Gladius cards in rank battles opened up a lot of possibilities.
    • Many players that are sleeping on brawls before are now seeking to join guilds to get this power Gladius cards and use them in rank, so lucky for those who believed from the very beginning.
    • It's not too late to start brawling and actively doing your dailies to collect this cards . Adding this cards in your current arsenal will give you a lot of additional firepower. The grind will never be wasted.

    So how about you what's your favorite line up with that have different cards from various sets, share it and let's all learn the together.

    By the way if you want to see the full battle, here is the link:

    So this is it for now, thanks for dropping by.
    Have a good day, see you in the next one.





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