Understanding True Friendship

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone,
    Welcome to my blog♥️
    In life, communicating with people is easy, but finding genuine friends becomes difficult. A true friend is someone we trust, one with whom we share our deep level of understanding and communication. A true friend is one who accepts us for who we are, one who can listen to us, one who makes us feel comfortable and special, one who understands, believe in us, and cover up our weaknesses. Due to betrayal by friends, some of us make decisions never to keep friends anymore, but out there are still good and sincere friends who can defend, support and cherish us for who we are, one who we can confide in. Building true friendship is building another family outside our home.

    There are certain things that we cannot do alone we will need the help of someone trustworthy, we all desire to have a wonderful and a lasting relationship with others, but before that can be obtained, we have to be intentional about it, because it demands, understanding, sincererity, dedication and commitment. Also in developing a lasting friendship it can be nerve-wrecking, but someone has to take a step.
    I have discovered that having sincere friends help to build each other up, it also has a great impact on our happiness and our mental health. They also help to relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, it prevent loneliness and isolation. They also have a great impact on our physical health, in building a sincere friendship, it's not a one way thing, but it's all about reciprocating the affection and love. In building a lasting friendship, it doesn't just happen, it grows with time, also there should be this cordial connection and bond between both parties.

    True friendship is all about sincerity, our ability to correct each other, cover up each other's nakedness. There's this saying I often hear, "A friend in need, is a friend indeed" and this saying is true, anyone who abandoned his/her friend in the face of challenges, and difficulties, Is said not to be a friend.
    True friendship is all about seeking each other's interest, and loving each other unconditionally without reasons.

    We will be looking at some of the benefits of true friendship:

    1. Finding support through tough times: life is not a bed of roses, there are times that things will be though, being there for our friend during those difficult times goes a long way in strengthening, encouraging, motivating and boosting their hope through those tough times.

    2. It reduces stress or depression: Having an active social life boast our immune system and help reduce isolation, a major contributing factor to depression

    3. It helps to improve our mood. Spending time with happy and positive friends can elevate our mood and boost our outlook, because our outward appearance tends to reflect our thoughts.

    4. It helps to boost our worth: Friendship is a two way journey, which helps to encourage, motivate, and support each other's dreams, it helps go build value in each other's life, also contribute to each other's achievements.

    True friendship helps to improve our level of productivity and our achievements, based on their encouragement, advice and support.
    Having a sincere friend is a gift from God. So if you have one cherish it.😘🥰😍
    Thank you for reading through.

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