bananas are large and fertile

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Halo teman-teman semuanya Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memposting beberapa foto yang cukup menarik untuk kita pandang, foto tersebut saya ambil waktu saya pergi dari kemarin sore menuju kedai ke rumah untuk berbelanja sedikit keperluan rumah tangga kami.

    Pasti Bah tiba setengah perjalanan saya mendapati pohon pisang yang begitu besar dan buahnya yang begitu lebat pohon pisang tersebut ditanam di pinggiran irigasi untuk mengaliri air persawahan,

    Buah pisang tersebut sangat diminati oleh tukang gorengan karena pisang tersebut sangat enak untuk disantap oleh para pelanggan Setia tukang gorengan tersebut, kadang orang-orang membeli gorengan pisang harus menggunakan pisang tersebut jikalau tidak ada pesan terbukti tersebut sampai tidak menjadi beli gorengan,

    Buah pisang tersebut cukup lebat karena walau keadaan sedang kemarau petani dapat mengambil air irigasi untuk menyiram pohon pisang tersebut, pohon pisang tersebut ditanami di pinggir jalan yang dibikin oleh investor irigasi, pohon pisang tersebut telah dipanen beberapa kali musim,
    Hello friends, on this occasion I will post some photos that are quite interesting for us to look at, I took these photos when I went yesterday afternoon to the shop to go home to shop for a little of our household needs.

    Surely when I arrived half way through the trip I found a banana tree that was so big and the fruit was so dense. The banana tree was planted on the edge of the irrigation system to provide water for the rice fields.

    Bananas are very popular with fried food makers because these bananas are very delicious to eat for loyal customers of fried food makers. Sometimes people who buy banana fritters have to use bananas if there is no proven message so they don't buy fried food.

    The banana fruit is quite dense because even though it is dry, farmers can take irrigation water to water the banana trees. The banana trees are planted on the side of the road made by irrigation investors. The banana trees have been harvested several times a season.

    Farmers sell them at a price per fruit, which is up to 2500 per fruit, which means they can make money up to 70,000. Sometimes there are choki-choki who take them straight to the Padang garden. Farmers also take them to traders themselves and they get a higher price than taking Geckos to the garden.

    Here I also took the time to photograph the banana tree, I hope my friends like it

    That's what I can share in this post, hopefully it's useful for all of us and thank you for the visit and support from all my friends, and finally see you in my next post, of course, in this greatest community.
    send regards for success

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