Capturing Moments: A Birthday Bash Filled with Love

in voilk •  3 months ago

    In my most recent blog post, I shared about my nephew's successful pictorial. Today, I am excited to share with you all about his birthday celebration, which was just as amazing as the pictorial. However, there was a slight disappointment as my parents couldn't attend the celebration due to their ongoing travel to the city. Despite this setback, the rest of our family members gathered together and had a fantastic time celebrating my nephew's special day.



    The night before his birthday, my siblings and my cousin spent hours decorating the room. We spent hours inflating colorful balloons and placing them strategically throughout the room. We had to be creative with our decorations since the space was limited, but we managed to transform the walls into a festive display of balloons, banners, and other decorations. Despite the long hours and hard work, we all had a blast working together to make his special day even more memorable.



    On his birthday, we started the day by attending the morning mass at 5 a.m. We wanted to ensure that we could start the day in a blessed and peaceful manner. After the mass, we hurried back from the church to prepare the food for the day. We decided to cook pancit, a Filipino noodle dish, because it was one of the birthday boy's favorite dishes. However, we ordered a food package to avoid any hassle, especially since we had limited space and cooking facilities in my sister's boarding house. We carefully followed the recipe and cooked the pancit to perfection, and it turned out to be delicious.



    As the hours passed by, the atmosphere in the house grew more festive. I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of my older sister and brother, who were traveling from the province to visit us. I had not seen them in quite some time, and I was excited to catch up with them. However, the main reason for their visit was to see my nephew, whom they dearly love and have missed dearly. As the clock ticked away, my anticipation grew, and I couldn't help but keep glancing at the door, hoping to see them walk in any moment. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my sister and brother arrived.




    Despite the long distance, they had made the effort to attend the gathering and spend time with us, which made the occasion even more special. As we settled down and caught up on each other's lives, the aroma of the pancit cooking in the kitchen wafted through the house, making our mouths water in anticipation. To our delight, our ordered food package also arrived promptly. (4).gif


    As I waited for the clock to strike the hour, I noticed my nephew sitting nearby. He looked very content, and his face was beaming with joy. Without any hesitation, I decided to capture that moment and took a picture of him. Looking at the photo, I could see how happy he was, even though his birthday celebration was simple. It was a reminder that sometimes the most important things in life can be found in the simplest of moments. I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a wonderful and happy little nephew in my life.



    He also wanted to have a picture with his mom and dad, so I took a photo of them. It was adorable to see him copying whatever pose his dad did. Not wanting to be left out, my older sister and brother also had their picture taken. As the designated photographer, I was not included in the photos. However, I was more than happy to capture these beautiful moments of them celebrating together.




    Following the photo session, we all gathered around my adorable little nephew to sing him a happy birthday song. The excitement and joy on his face were priceless as he joined in and sang along with all of us. His sweet and innocent voice added to the already joyful atmosphere in the room and made the moment even more special.



    After the singing, we all sat down to enjoy a meal that consisted of our family's favorite dishes. Being from the province, it was difficult for our older relatives to travel to the party, so only our cousins were able to attend. Nevertheless, we had a great time chatting and catching up with each other while relishing the delicious food. The dishes were prepared with love and care, and each one was bursting with flavor and aroma. It was a delightful experience, and the memories we created will stay with us forever.



    It was a delightful occasion that brought my family together after a few months of being apart. As an intern in the city, I've been quite busy, and it was a pleasant surprise to see my sister and brother again. We had a lovely reunion, and I cherished every moment of it. However, returning to my boarding house in the province has been a challenge for me, as I am trying to save my allowance and be mindful of my finances.

    Although I miss my family dearly, I believe that being responsible for my duties as an intern is of utmost importance. As I grow older, I realize the significance of making tough decisions that prioritize my future. Adulting is all about learning how to cope with being away from our loved ones and making sacrifices to achieve our goals. While it's never easy to be away from family, I believe that it's essential to appreciate their value and make time for them, even if it means sacrificing some comforts and conveniences.

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