in voilk •  4 months ago


    The most important series of events in the history of the world was and is the death, the burial and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus christ, by his death Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecy of redeeming man back to God after he fell from the Glory God bestowed on him from the beginning, God had always sort out ways to restore man, through out the Old Testament we've seen how God through diverse means and measures has always tried to redeem man to himself, sacrifices of ram and bulls to clear off sin And protect them, untill Jesus Christ opted to be our advocates TL atone for the sins of men, once and for all to pay off all of man's debt to set man in total freedom from the shakles of Satan's bondage of guilt

    By the means of his burial it shows that he had really died was buried, but then he had foretold of this to authorities that he will die be buried and by the third day he would rise again, they been carnally minded never understood this, the Essence of that was he would go down with all the troubles, problem sins, guilt of sin, all of what kept men from God he came paid with his life, to redeem man back to God, that's why he said he brought the ministry of reconciliation to earth so men can have free access to God not like the old times were they only have to do that through a priest... He came bought all of these died with it and was buried with it

    By means of his ressurection Jesus Christ proved he had power over every principalities, over every power of sin, guilt and death, the veil was torn into two and now men can freely gained access to the father, worship him in spirit and in truth without any guilt of sin, knowing fully well that their sin had been forgiven forever,

    When Jesus resurrected he brought with him the newness of life, old things had died and was buried with him, this is why 1corin. 5:17

    says if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things have past a way behold all things are new now because he believed and confess the Lord Jesus as he's personal lord and saviour

    Living in this conciousness of the new reality of Jesus is the ultimate freedom for man, as a matter of fact the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest proof that he is indeed the true son Of God, in this our salvation story is completed, mathew 16:16-18, Romans 1:4, his mysterious conception, birth, death and resurrection is still a wonder to many as science cannot verify this as it defiles human analogy...

    The Birth, death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the very foundation of the Gospel by which we're saved 1corinth.15:1-4

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