Coffee is precious. Spend it with people who truly matters

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Coffee is precious. Spend it with people who truly matters

    That masterful phrase that occupies the title of this post did not come from my limited mind. It appears on a small poster fixed on the wall of a bakery I frequent. It caught my attention and I think it has a phrase to analyze. In fact, I took that picture of it and now I want to talk a little bit about what that couple of sentences might mean.


    Coffee is precious.

    I don't think the first sentence needs to be explained to anyone in this community. That's why we're here! Coffee is something special. For its smell, its taste, its color, its versatility, its goodness, its benefits? It is something that even adorns and embellishes our table or desk even more when it arrives to accompany us. It is something that helps us to stay active and enjoy a good time. Even when we are alone we say, "I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee to pass the time". And we do it and it helps us feel good.

    But I also think it has a special ring to it when we don't have it at home. Has that ever happened to you? It seems that we consider it more valuable, more precious, more important, precisely because of that, because it is not there. By the way, dear reader, I hope this happens to you only a few times in your life.

    Spend it with people who truly matters

    It seems that it will always be a good time to spend it with people who truly matter to us. For simple things we get together and talk, ask questions and imagine.... And when we know we are not going to finish soon, or we want to extend the occasion on purpose, coffee is evoked and makes an appearance.

    Do we do it with everyone? Although out of courtesy we toast coffee to many people, many are shared with special people. In fact, it is on those occasions that we usually go to a place we like, enjoy the occasion, take pictures, take the time to taste the coffee, and dedicate time to those other people. That precious coffee accompanies us with those people.


    I recently wrote to a friend. And at the end of the conversation he said a sentence that made me smile. It's right there in the picture. It literally says: "When you come to Maturin let me know so we can have a good coffee". On one of my trips last year to that city we both went to a small coffee shop that he frequents and likes the product. We had a busy afternoon, but he wanted us to take a break before going to our next meeting. I remember it well, isn't that the idea? That's the way the people we care about are.


    That little sign is more than a consumerist message in an opportune place to shell out a few bucks. It's a reminder that we can continue to set aside time, resources, love and attention for people who matter. And that we can always choose to treat ourselves to something delicious, so why let the next opportunity slip away?

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    Oil is often referred to as black gold. But for us there is more than one treasure with that color. And unlike the first one, I believe that coffee can continue to survive through time, and generation after generation will continue to know it. There will always be people. There will always be people we care about. There will always be coffee.

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    Images: Made by me in GIMP with images captured with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone.
    Banner: Made by me in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site
    Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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