A Timeless Memory: Acquaintance Party 2024

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Acquaintance Parties are held to let the students enjoy and socialize with other students, Every year our campus celebrates this to foster amicable relationships among the students of the university. Joining the acquaintance if I must be honest had been a burden for me since I'm just too afraid and shy to interact with people other than those who are not my classmates during my first year joining the acquaintance all I ever did was sit around and watch people enjoy the party, that history also had repeated on my second year. Some of my classmates didn't even bother to jam around other students and we just sat there doing nothing, it felt like we were almost in a classroom setting waiting for a professor to start their class.

    Now, as a third-year student, I feel old enough to take part in this event but the university had been firmed that every student should partake in this since it's a students' activity. I together with some of my classmates had been in a dilemma for we didn't feel like joining and we just wanted to stay in our house and relax because the past weeks had been hard and exhausting for us. But I guess it was a precedented happening that we were bound to join the acquaintance, one of our subject teachers had given us a simple task if we were to join the acquaintance. She said that the task would be graded and it would most likely be included in the performance grade.

    The task was kinda simple if I think about it but realistically it's hard since it needs me to use my skills in socializing with people and I'm not confident if I have any of that. We were told that we should at least get acquainted with ten people from other departments. It was a challenging one yet I also feel excited that maybe the past year's impression of acquaintance may change and I might be able to enjoy this year.

    I was nervous even before the event started, All I could ever think about was to finish the task and sit quietly in a corner, watch people and have my definition of fun to be enjoyed. I had a hard time trying to interact with different people, I overthought too much that maybe I'd get ignored if I approached them first, and they might find me annoying for disturbing their night but those thoughts quickly vanished when I encountered people that are willing to converse with me even if it's only brief. I together with my friend at that time had fun almost like surveying the place and looking for people who were not in our department. Sadly, I didn't get to take a picture with those I converse with since I think I still don't dare to do that.

    As we finished the task, my friend and I decided to just enjoy the party, we've been constantly walking through there and then, but it felt satisfying to be surrounded by people who were not in our class. We got theaear view of the performance club's outstanding presentation and we even sang along with that performance from the glee club. I never thought that acquaintance could be this fun. After the program had ended there was this band that entertained us even more. They've provided great songs and I just can't help but sing along with it. My classmates were also enjoying the vibe was so different from the past two years.

    We took photos to have some memories to keep and the rest was another history, we enjoyed the event and I think that this was the best acquaintance that we ever had, I'm now looking forward to next year's surprise. I've always thought that maybe this kind of event would only be boring but then this year had been and most fun. We truly have forgotten our worries about academics even if it's only momentary the night has ended with a wonderful memory that I have in my head.

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