Road Trip to Valencia City, Bukidnon: Travel Blog Part 2

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Traveling has been my dream; seeing precious landscapes and wonderful scenes makes my heart full but I was held a prisoner of my work and needs.

    But one lovely day, I made and escape and traveled on the hope of attending a family reunion on my mother's side of family. We had a ver long time thinking and planning on what to do on our short vacation but Things Didn't Go the Way it was Planned; but still I am very thankful that it all happened.

    Shortly after my husband arrived from looking for a vehicle to use for our travel, He just ate a little and helped me with cutting off a piece of tarpaulin which we are going to bring just in case rain will come during our travel. We don't have a car and we could not chose to commute because PJ might get bored and have tantrums looking for her brother or anyone else in the family, she likes to lie down most of the time too.

    My son taking random pictures but that's the tarp we cut and brought.

    We loaded our things and ourselves on the back of the vehicle. My mother prepared the blanket for PJ to lay on and we all sat down on the floor. What I loved about traveling was that I would be able to see greeneries and mountains along the road but a piece of tarp which covered the top of the vehicle prevents me from doing it. .

    I had to peek on a small space to see and I just could not see much too. Also, I could not move because I am holding my kids close to me.

    My husband took the wheels from our house to Valencia City and anxiety engulfed me; I Was praying all the time for safety. You see, we were just sitting on the floor without a safe chairs bolted on the floor and my husband sometimes makes a sharp turn which feels uncomfortable for us on the back side. I kept knocking at him telling to slow a bit and run the vehicle smoothly which he did but still, I was not able to enjoy our travel that much.

    We stopped over at La Fortuna in Malaybalay City and had lunch along the highway. My sister made gimbap, she calls it copying from the Korean novelas she watches. It's made of egg and sausages sliced thinly and wrapped in rice and seaweed. it tastes delicious and I love how the seaweed taste with rice.

    My daughter took a selfie while eating.

    Along the way, we passed by on this Mountain they called Sleeping Giant but all I could see was that it looks like a face of an elephant.

    We crossed the longest bridge: Atugan Bridge but due to my position,I was not able to capture a decent photo. Losing my phone is one of the reasons too.

    An amazing view while going thru the bridge

    Looking at a rainy mountain from afar worrying that if we ascend, rain will catch us offguard

    Random shot along the way

    It's been ten years since I last went to Valencia and those years made a lot of changes; The usual route is not the main route now and my husband chose to use the diversion road avoiding the Heart if the City of Malaybalay.

    The day we traveled was the day before the Kaamulan Festival started and I was hoping that I will be able to have a glimpse on what it would look like. I was sure somebody did the preparations already and I was very excited for it.

    I asked my nephew to take some photo for me but he took selfies instead.

    Look at the mountain ranges! I'd love to have this view everyday!

    All in all there are 11 people on our travel; 4 kids and 7 adults. We did not have much time arranging our things so it was a bit tight. There were chairs and the kids took them and they look comfortable. But Laling got dizzy after an hour of ride. She puked and soon fell asleep in my arm.

    When we arrived at Valencia city, my husband told the owner to take over and so he did. Then we realized no one knows the way so we used google maps that drained my phone's battery.

    Honestly there are so much to see along the way but if I'd stand ans watch, my kids will do too and it would be very dangerous for them to do so.

    The exact location of where we were going is Conception, Valencia Bukidnon and we had to ascend to mountains to reach there. To be sure we have enough fuel, we chose to refill on one of the fuel stations we passed by and left the city to the mountains.

    I'll be sharing my experience on our ascend on my next blog; for now I'll end my blog here and I hope you enjoyed the lovely view I saw and shared along the way.

    Anyway, here is the first part of my travel blog

    See you in a bit! Keep safe and stay happy!

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