Flames dancing in the night sky

in voilk •  last month

    Flames dancing in the night sky

    There is something unexplainably and undeniably enchanting about a bonfire, especially on a cool crisp evening. The warm orangey-red and yellow hot flames dancing like an elegant ballerina against the cool, dark evening sky. I always sit as humanly close to the bonfire as possible to capture the mesmerising show of dancing fire with my trusty ol' faithful camera.

    I am obsessed with capturing photos of fire, the moments are fleeting and beautiful. Each flicker is its own story that lasts a mere second before it disappears forever, it is a complete joy being able to freeze a moment like that in time.

    The sparks, like tiny fireworks are always so much fun to watch bounce around the black backdrop of the night sky.


    On this particular night a friend brought out some old love letters from an ex-flame where she decided to use the fire as a healing process, reading over them and remising about the good times, laughing about the bad. After each letter was the healing process of burning each note and saying goodbye to the past.

    Burning away the hurts from the past and looking forward to a brighter future. Watching each letter burn felt like watching the emotional weight of a burdened heart melt away with it. The act was both symbolic and cathartic, a visual representation of letting go and moving forward. These letters that were once filled with declarations of love were now quickly turning into ash and smoke.


    Next time you find yourself by a bonfire, take a moment to really watch the flames. See how they move, how they change, and how they light up the night. And if you have a camera handy, try to capture a piece of that magic. It’s a challenge worth undertaking, and the rewards are truly enchanting!


    Have a magical day! 🔥

    My Post.png

    All photographs are copyrighted to the author

    Photography instagram:

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