Two new hivers, arrived on the web3

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Today there was a drumming event organized by the group @fullurban where several people interested in belonging to Hive approached and they say they already knew about Hive through other people but had not had the opportunity to enter the platform, until today where they were explained how to work and how to publish within the platform. The kids were very enthusiastic and willing to learn. They were asked if they could wait until the end of the event, that's why they waited until the end, their account was created and they began to make their publications.

    The first to introduce himself was @brayanmcy a guy enthusiastic about music and sports so they were shown the sports community and the different music communities where he will be well accepted, he likes to sing and play the guitar and well he let us listen to him and he really has a lot so I know he will do quite well within the platform.

    The second new member is @jotaff, just like the previous one, he also likes music and sports and in his free time he also draws. They will get their niche within the platform and will be able to develop quietly, now what remains is to keep an eye on them until they can work alone within the platform.

    This is the reason for holding the events and allowing each of them to attract people who really want to work within Hive.

    Herramientas de Edición y Producción
    Editing and Production Tools
    Traductor: DeepL
    Dispositivos: Redmi8
    Devices: Redmi 8


    ˜”°•. ˜”°•
    •°”˜ .•°”˜

    "La vida es cuesta arriba; sin embargo, la vista es maravillosa"
    "Life is uphill, but the view is wonderful"
    (Miley Cyrus)
     ¡Gracias por leerme, nos vemos en una próxima Publicación! 
     Thanks for reading, see you in a future post!  

    @maykit55 (2).gif

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