Easter celebration (Part 1 of 3) | MCGI Topic Review

in voilk •  last month

    Quite most of the time I have actually come to discover that a whole lot of us do or have to know a lot of things but actually didn't understand how it actually operates and work. In fact I have actually come to discover that there are some days we quite celebrate that we don't even know the reason why we actually celebrate them or the existence of it actually. One of it is the Easter celebration.

    Today I will be sharing a lot of insight and knowledge I was able to gain from watching Brother Solani Video today. So stay tune. In the video, brother Solani helps to establish the fact that we should not see Easter celebration as just a day but actually we should know the significance behind the date and that includes the birth, death and the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ.


    Most of the time, we might actually be so tempted to believe that we are just celebrating the Easter celebration because others are celebrating it but it should not actually be so. We should see the significance in it and we should not just see it as just a common day of celebration. It is not really a common day of celebration. It is really worth much more beyond that only if we see it.

    And actually to be truth, that was what I was guilty of years back when I was still a bit younger. I actually just celebrate the Easter not really knowing the reason that back up why we actually celebrate it but because I see it been celebrated in our family and church.

    Not after many years later which I have grown up that I now discovered that it was actually celebrated because of the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ for the great sacrifices He paid on the cross just for us to live and to be sustained.

    Watch more in the video below.

    This is the link to the video in case if you want to watch this more

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