Continuando con una bonita tradición💜| Continuing with a beautiful tradition💜

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Feliz noche amigos de Lifestyle está noche quiero compartir con ustedes un poco de mi miércoles y es que estos días no he hecho mucho más que estar en casa pero el miércoles en la mañana mi hermana me dice que iríamos a la iglesia y me encantó la idea ya que cuando pequeña siempre iba a la prosecion del nazareno ya que nací prematura y mi mamá ofreció como promesa que si me salvaba iría todos los años al nazareno, está promesa la cumplí como hasta las 14 años iba con mi bata morada luego seguí yendo vestida normal. Luego llegó la pandemia y no había vuelto a ir así que ame ir este miércoles y seguir cumpliendo con estás tradiciones cristianas que amo y que fue una noche muy bonita.

    Happy night Lifestyle friends tonight I want to share with you a little bit of my Wednesday and these days I haven't done much more than being at home but on Wednesday morning my sister told me that we would go to church and I loved the idea Since when I was little I always went to the procession of the Nazarene since I was born prematurely and my mother offered as a promise that if she saved me she would go to the Nazarene every year, I kept this promise until I was 14 years old I was in my purple robe then I continued to go dressed normal. Then the pandemic arrived and I had not gone again so I loved going this Wednesday and continuing to fulfill these Christian traditions that I love and it was a very nice night.



    La prosecion comienza aproximadamente a las 7 de la noche pero nos arreglamos temprano y nos buscarían a las 6 para llegar un poco antes de que comenzara la prosecion y poder entrar a la iglesia. Mi sobrino me tiene enamorada ese gordito es el dueño de mi vida.

    The procession begins at approximately 7 pm but we got ready early and they would pick us up at 6 to arrive a little before the procession began and be able to enter the church. I have a crush on my nephew, that chubby guy is the owner of my life.




    Al llegar a la iglesia había bastante gente y como pudimos fuimos caminando hasta acercarnos al nazareno, está a adornado con flores muy hermosas y aprovechamos de tomarnos algunas fotos y como pueden ver ni sobrino estaba un poco asustado supongo por qué había muchas personas y al ver a los santos que son grandes eso le da un poco de miedo.

    When we arrived at the church there were quite a few people and as we could we walked until we approached the Nazarene, it is decorated with very beautiful flowers and we took the opportunity to take some photos and as you can see neither nephew was a little scared I guess why there were many people and when we saw For saints who are great, that scares them a little.



    Está iglesia está ubicada en la asunción que es la capital de la isla, luego se estar un rato en la iglesia salimos y ya yo había hablado con una amiga con la cual estudie en el liceo y tenía bastante tiempo sin verla y sabía que estaba también en la procesión así que nos vimos y estuvimos hablando un rato y aprovechamos de tomarnos una foto porque a pesar de que nos conocemos hace casi 18 años no tenemos muchas fotos juntas.

    This church is located in Asunción, which is the capital of the island. After spending a while in the church, we went out and I had already spoken with a friend with whom I studied in high school and I had not seen her for quite some time and I knew that she was there too. in the procession so we saw each other and talked for a while and took the opportunity to take a photo because even though we have known each other for almost 18 years we don't have many photos together.


    Y un poco lejos de la puerta de la iglesia empezó la prosecion que dura varias horas, como había tanta gente y estábamos con el bebé decidimos ver la prosecion de lejos e ir a comer y luego seguir la prosecion pero no muy de cerca para que el bebé no se asuste. Y ademas estaba haciendo mucho calor y no queríamos estar entre tantas gente.

    And a little far from the door of the church, the procession began, which lasts several hours. Since there were so many people and we were with the baby, we decided to watch the procession from afar and go to eat and then follow the procession, but not too closely so that the baby don't be scared. And it was also very hot and we didn't want to be among so many people.




    Estuvimos caminando un poco y tomando algunas fotos y encontramos un lindo lugar para comer ya que teníamos hambre y sed.

    We walked around a bit and took some photos and found a nice place to eat since we were hungry and thirsty.




    Decidimos comer y as hamburguesas que la verdad estaban bien sabrosas se veía que el pan era casero. Las hamburguesas tuvieron un costo de 2.50$ y también tomamos un refresco y estuvimos hablando un rato para luego seguir con la prosecion.

    We decided to eat and the hamburgers were really tasty and you could see that the bread was homemade. The hamburgers cost $2.50 and we also had a soft drink and talked for a while and then continued with the procession.



    Y seguimos con la prosecion y la verdad había bastante gente. Me sentí muy feliz y agradecida de poder volver con esta tradición que me inculcó mi mamá y deseando de todo corazón poder volver el año que viene a caminar las calles de la asunción con el nazareno. Hasta aquí mi post de hoy, feliz noche amigos.

    And we continued with the procession and the truth is there were quite a few people. I felt very happy and grateful to be able to return with this tradition that my mother instilled in me and wishing with all my heart to be able to return next year to walk the streets of La Asunción with the Nazarene. That's it for my post today, happy night friends.


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