Reaching New Heights 🍃

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello, gentle readers. 🍃


    "Adventure awaits in the great outdoors"

    My First Ever Major Climb.🍃 In this blog will talk about all the preparations and what I experienced all throughout this adventure.

    In terms of preparations first we need to condition our body, not only our body but also our mind.

    Almost every weekend we climbed to different climbing spots here in Cebu just to prepare our body for an hours of walk during the major climb.

    During weekdays I tried to walk going home after work just to strengthen my agility. And to strengthen my cardio.

    On our last camping at Mt. Kan-irag before the major climb, we plan for the routes, meal plans and do some briefing on what are the pros and cons of the climb.




    Preparations are needed because it was a 3 days and 2 nights climb. Also I took vitamins for a week for stabilization. You need not neglect this things because it will save you further more.

    The route we take was the Bediao Trail and exit to Apolong trail.

    The Bediao Trail is the shorter but steeper route. (Does we made it?)



    During our first day we arrived at the jump off site at Bediao but before we begin to hike bound to our first camp, we gave locals food packages first like rice, noodles, sardines and etc. Locals was overjoyed that instant. Thanks to all participants who supported the charitable works that we did. Because in a small ways, it has a great impact not just on ourselves but also to those locals who are given food packages when the time that they don't have any.


    We stayed for a night before we commence the next day, not further from the locals but you can saw the view of Dumaguete or the city lights. We acclimate first just to prepare our body for the coldness of the area. And know who's who during the climb.



    Our organizers told us to be careful because Cobra's were seen at Bediao Trail but luckily we never seen any or encounter one.

    The next day our organizers wake up early to prepare food for our breakfast and packed-lunch (because we’re going to have lunch only on the trail). Because time is of the essence that moment.



    After, we started ascending around 8 AM. It was literally a hell of a place because from 8 AM until 12 NN the trail was all assault. Around that time 12 NN we arrived at what they called as 1700 because it’s already 1700 meters above sea level, I think it was the first known peak that previous-previous climbers first climb and not the latest 1903 MASL or meters above sea level.



    We took photos at 1700 and after we already continued to trekking, now this time it’s already descending. From 12 NN until 5 PM almost 5 hours before we made it to Lake Yagumyum. Where we stayed for a night and it was our second night of camping. The trail was very dangerous as there are cliffs that you need to pass and needs to be careful due some pricks of the plants that might punctured you during the hike.



    Half a day ascending, the other was descending.

    We also experienced face the wall, like you need to face the rocks before you can get down and it was mind blowing coz' that time my fractured collar bone was not fully healed but I was so careful that time because I don't want to be a burden to the group.


    One of our group-mates experienced difficulty during descending, our sweeper I think, was anxious that time due to time constraint. We the first batch arrived at the campsite around 5 PM but the last group I think arrived at 8 PM it was so dark that time, and they are all exhausted. But thankfully, all is well.



    We, first batched that arrived, we prepared our food for dinner. We took water from the lake. It was our only source of water that time. Good thing my stomach wasn't picky that time.


    After dinner we socialize a bit. And when the darkness falls down, strong wind blown our tents. Good thing we are all prepared. We don't know yet that those rain with strong winds was already a Low Pressure Area. Thankfully it never hit us like a disaster.


    On the third day, we discuss if we can peak at 1903 but the time, the strong wind was not good so we decided not to take take peak instead we go to Rancho and to the falls. We stayed awhile at the Rancho to cook for our lunch the some of us decided to explore the falls. The waterfall give us an awe. It was a jaw-dropping creation of nature.


    After we go back to Rancho but we and some others cross paths some already bound to the Guard House and some of the bags of my friend was carried by others but I never saw mine. So, due to rush I run going up, feeling like it was a trail run. Good thing my acquintance Ferdy brought it. I thought it was left at the Rancho.


    We already got to the Guard House, some took their lunch, some take a rest and others continued to hike downhill taking the Apolong Trail, it was our exit point.

    Some rushed to get going to the exit. So they can rest for a while and do some shower. Because that time we are full of mud.

    But those things I experienced? Money can't replace it.

    I will treasure it for the rest of my life.


    From start to finish, salute to all the porters that time.

    See you all on my next blog where I already conquered the 1903 MASL peak of Mt. Talinis

    "The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters."

    📍Location: Mt. Talinis, Valencia, Negros Oriental

    Things that I bring during the major climb.

    1. Camping Bag
    2. Extra Clothes
    3. Slippers
    4. Camping Tent
    5. Emergency Blanket
    6. Trail foods
    7. Emergency Medicine Kit
    8. Extra Socks
    9. Thermal Jackets
    10. Cookset, Plate, Spoon and Fork
    11. Water or Drinks that contains a balance of ions (electrolytes) that resembles the natural fluid balance in the human body
    12. Collapsible Sleeping Bag
    13. Inflatable Camping Pillow


    • Learn LNT (Leave no trace) Principles.
    • Pack light during climb if possible
    • Bring enough cash, water and etc.


    Can’t wait to tell you more about my next adventures. 😊

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