Gorilla Glue #4 during vegetative stage

in voilk •  10 days ago

    With all the great growth my cannabis plants have been putting on, I figured it would be a good time to grab my camera and get some macro shots while they are still mostly in their vegetative state. During this period of their growth they are putting out leaves and forming strong branches.. As soon the buds will form and they need all the help they can get leaf wise.

    Camera ModelLumix GH6
    LensOlympus MSC ED M. 60mm Macro lens
    Shutter Speed1/100 sec
    Film Speed3200
    SpectrumVisual Light
    Wavelength380 through 700 nanometers
    LocationCentral Virginia USA.

    One of the plants is further ahead than the rest, it has a nice bud site forming while the others have shown their sex with their pre-flowers. This one appears to be already forming flowers.

    The branches below we can see the side branches are working their way up and soon will be within the netting helping to support the buds as they form.

    Undersides of leaves is where bugs hide, it is also where the plant breaths from. All looks good.

    These are the pre-flowers, these tentacle looking things.

    I see many pre-flowers, pretty sure I got all females at this point.

    Soon we will see buds form on the others as well I think.

    It is good to see all the new leaves "praying" upwards, they like the light.

    An extra up close look:

    Using my macro lens I can really get close to the leaves and pre-flowers.

    Here we can see can see they are females.

    A really healthy looking stem too.. I forget they are furry.

    Soon we will be seeing many more hairs.

    So far two have reached the first level of netting, one of them is about to breach making a third soon. The forth has lots of growth to put on, figured when I switch out the bulb it will stretch more.

    Really glad this grow is going better than my last few, the new dirt really made a difference.

    Soon they will reach the second level of netting, and then will be time to just raise the grow light until they reach full height.. This tends to happen a month into flowering.

    Glad I am getting pictures now, as soon as I switch the bulb it casts a harsh yellow color. The plants love it but makes the pictures look bad.

    The next time I will get good pictures is with the tent light off and using a flood light during pictures to get shots.

    But for now we have pretty light and I can get pictures using just the grow lights and not extras. Really love this last shot, so green.. so happy.


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