Some moments that I almost forgot to talk about.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    A moment ago and right after my water experiences, and then before talking about my journey in Big Valley, I had some good moments that I almost forgot to talk about but fortunately, I stored the photos and now I'm going to talk about those moments that I almost forgot to talk about.

    I was leaving Mount Shann to find some lakes where I could show some water activities and suddenly I found these dinosaur bones there. I stopped there to check it our as I had a side quest about finding these bones throughout the map.

    I captured this one after I finished talking or showing what I wished to show about my water experience though I wished to go deeper following this water line to show more water captures but something stopped me.

    This is the something I was talking about. When I was capturing the photo of the water line, this grizzly bear was close to me and already noticed me when I froze the frame and right after I quit the photo mode, the bear ran towards me, my horse left the scene leaving me behind and the bear started attacking me.

    It was that moment when I knew I was f*** but I didn't lose hope and I was trying to stab the beast using my knife and I actually killed the bear with the knife after stabbing in its neck when I almost died there. Can you see the claw marks on Arthur's back? That's bad, ain't it? Fortunately, he survived at least.

    When I was riding my horse taking the skin of the bear, suddenly I noticed an animal was running towards me fast and my horse got spooked and it did what it does in such situations. Yeah, the horse left me there and the animal who turned out to be a cougar, jumped on me and tried to eat my head at first.

    I had my shotgun in hand when the cougar jumped on me and with that, I threw the beast and when it tried to escape, I shot it. Then I skinned it off, called my horse and left the area as it seemed to be a dangerous area filled with predator animals and I was not happy with my horse as it keeps leaving me behind noticing any kinds of threat.

    When I was riding in the wild, I noticed a Trapper's stall in the middle of nowhere so I went there to sell the skins I was carrying on my horseback. After selling him some items, I don't know what spooked him off but he started talking rubbish and was escaping from me being a witness and I killed him off. I understood later that some bounty hunters were nearby and that's why he saw me as threat.

    And now I was at Black Bone Forest at Big Valley, WE which is a legendary animals territory and I started talking about My journey in Big Valley, WE from this moment and you should know the rest or you may check out the post that I just linked here to know what I'm talking about.

    Now let's get back to the moment where I left off at the end of My journey in Big Valley, WE.

    I was beside the Dakota River when I was following NPC's and suddenly I noticed this man and called him out. I wished to mess around with this man so I attempted robbing him.

    Dude was a strong fellow and he started shooting me as I asked him to give everything he had and before I could shoot him down, he was riding his horse around. Then I wished to leave him be but he kept following me and shooting me so I had to shoot him down.

    When I took the headshot, he was close to the river and the horse jumped in the river taking the dead body and the body started floating and in the tide but suddenly it stuck on a tock there.

    After looting what he had what was my actual intention with this man, I was leaving but then I thought of throwing the body in the tide from its stuck position as otherwise someone might notice the body and calls the law.

    And then, that hanging bridge I wished to pass and talked about in the other post before. I had to climb the mountain to get there and then I was passing the bridge.

    I found this man setting up a camp and I went there to chat but the man was so rude that he was pointing his gun towards me because I was there. He was behaving as if this open world was his property. Yeah, I shot him down and took his horse.

    It became dark right after I killed the other man off, and I noticed these peoples riding their horse slowly in the moonlit night. I called them off to have a little chat but one of them started behaving rude and I didn't give him chance to talk later. I just shot him down and the other one escaped.

    Then after fighting some bounty hunters, I slept in the camp of the man that I killed before to spend the night there.

    I was riding around in the next morning and suddenly found that man taking care of his horse and he horse kicked him off and escaped. I thought I had to bring it back but I noticed the man died from the kick.

    Such a crazy horse shouldn't roam around so I looked for it to take it down but I couldn't kill him after found him cause it looked like I was sensing affection for him so I kept him as my own and he's a powerful racer.

    I was riding the crazy powerful horse and suddenly I noticed a special-shaped place so I wen there and I found these paintings on the wall of the rock. I tried to look around to see if there was any easter-eggs but I didn't found anything so I left the place after a while.

    Here I'm finishing the post for today and I'll come talk about more special RDR 2 gaming moments in Gaming Photography.

    "The screenshots are my take but properties of Red Dead Redemption 2."

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