Battle Mage Challenge: Broken Arrows. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups

in voilk •  6 months ago


    This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the Broken Arrows rule.

    Splinterlands tells us the following about the Broken Arrows rule:

    Units with ranged attacks cannot be used.
        Units with 2 types of attack (which include ranged) cannot be used.
        Consider utilizing units with Thorns or Magic Reflect, as your opponent will have to use either melee or magic units.

    Broken Arrows makes sure that we're not playing any units with Ranged Attacks. This means that we either have to use many Sneak, or Opportunity monsters, or play a significant number of magic units to make sure that all our units can attack.

    This means that it is useful to include an Opportunity bait unit, such as Clockwork Aide or Ever-Hungry Skull, and to think about how well our lineup handles Sneak attacks and magic attacks to the frontline. If we account for these things, we should be in good shape for this rule.


    Incompatible Rules

    Broken Arrows is incompatible with Close Range, Keep Your Distance, Lost Magic, Fire & Regret, Going the Distance and Wands Out.


    Desirable Abilities

    , , ,
    Void, Magic Reflect, Sneak, Opportunity


    Advantaged Summoners

    Higher ratio of magic monsters means a slight advantage to summoners who provide protection/return damage to magic damage. Usually, this advantage alone is not enough to base the summoner choice on. Rather, the remaining rules and active splinters will be the determining factor.


    Disadvantaged Summoners


    Desirable Monsters


    My Battle : Broken Arrows battle

    Battle configuration
    LeagueModern Diamond league.
    RulesBroken Arrows, Taking Sides
    SplintersDeath, Water, Dragon, Fire, Life

    My Lineup

    Opponent's Lineup


    Battle progress and Result

    Lux could have been a problem for my lineup if I didnt have Noa the Just in my lineup. The Rust he provides is huge here and allows my units to ignore that +1 Armor that Lux normally gives. Also, the Weapons Training on Baakjira is going to be mostly irrelevant since my Baakjira will just Heal back that health every turn. As the battle starts, Noa manages to dodge the incoming hit from Pelacor Conjurer. Next up, my units begin bringing down the team from the backline and forwards. My Vruz acts as a great Opportunity bait, and is killed by Kulu Mastermind, and gives Martyr stacks to my Pelacor Conjurer and Deeplurker. Finally, my opponent's Deeplurker hits and applied Poison to my Dhampir Infiltrator.

    In round 2, my Dhampir Infiltrator dies from Poison and my Pelacor Bandit kills the Torrent Fiend. Next, Noa takes a Sneak hit from the Pelacor Conjurer, but afterwards my Deeplurker finishes that one off. My Palcor Bandit is not the Opportunity target, and with a stroke of good RNG, it manages to dodge both the Kulu's and the Deeplurker's hits this round.


    Next round I have a clear speed advantage. My attackers strike first, and having no chance to miss, they eliminate the Deeplurker. Once again, my Pelacor Bandit dodges the Kulu's hit.


    This time, my units strike Kulu and he gets enraged. He then strikes before the Deeplurker, but misses once again. At the end of the round he is down to 5 health.


    After taking the Pelacor's hit, Kulu strikes and hits his target for once. However, it is not enough to kill the Bandit, and afterwards Deeplurker takes the final blow on the Kulu. All that remains is to finish of the Baakjira. That takes another two turns, and after that I can celebrate my victory!


    Alternative lineups

    Lily Shieldpaw (Water)

    Lux Vega (Life)

    Conqueror Jacek


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