One can only stare in wonder.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I have a selection of recent photos to share with you.

    The photos were taken at different places, and I decided to combine some of them for this post.

    So, if you have a love for nature and mountains, and all other things in nature, you might want to take your mind on a feast of natural beauty.
    Nature has dark moments during destructive storms, and light moments during sunshine, and this always reminds me that humans are exactly the same. We all have both the dark and the light within us, but the difference is that we have a choice to control which color rules in our lives. Nature is natural and it has no choice.
    Something to think about.

    Palm trees fronting mountains in the background always deliver some lovely photos, but then again, all trees make the mountains look good :)




    Below you can see a live squirrel silhouette photo that I took from the dark shade of a nearby tree, and it delivered the desired effect.

    Finally, the last 3 photos told me their story about our approaching winter season. First, they remove their green summer season make up, and then they put some different shades of yellow make up on for the autumn season. Then when winter arrives, they strip naked, and they wear shades of dark brown and black make up for their winter sleep.
    Here below you can see them in their late autumn yellow make up.



    Of course, they have a mountain watching and protecting them, so that no strong winds will disturb their winter sleep.

    Seasons are not the same across the world.

    Some may be confused when I talk about our approaching winter, while they are waiting for their summer to arrive. The difference is that Europe and some other countries are in the northern hemisphere, and we are way down in the southern hemisphere. I know for many of us this is general knowledge, but I still get asked why I mention our coming winter, if it should be our coming summer.

    I love the hot winter soups and stews, and fortunately the cold does not bother me. I would rather have a cold 10C day than a hot 39C, as sweating and me are not big friends. People say that if you live in a country for a long time, then your body gets used to the temperatures. I do agree, but they have not reckoned with the effects of ageing. In my younger life, I walked around shirtless under the African sun, but nowadays I have to hide from the sun, and the worst thing is that every new summer season gets hotter, and I get older :)

    I don't know if your experiences of the weather is the same, and if it's different then tell me about it.

    Hope that you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

    Photos by Zac Smith-All rights reserved.

    Camera: Canon PoershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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