Winter's afternoon jaunt to last minute hospital appointment

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Winter's afternoon jaunt to last minute hospital appointment

    Come with me as we head on an enforced wee afternoon jaunt yesterday!

    Winter's afternoon  jaunt to last minute hospital appointment.png

    As some of you might be aware from my post Morning Glory: When 7 AM Sets the Tone for a Day of Pure Bliss before Christmas that I had to go to our local hospital for a couple of MRI scans at 8 o'clock on the Sunday morning before Christmas.


    So on Friday I got a call from someone saying they had a cancellation at rheumatology dept for Tuesday at 3.30pm, was that ok. Sure I said, they said they would mail out a letter about it. Fine I said, but I doubt I would get it before the appointment on Tuesday!

    Well said Lorraine, you know the Costa coffee shop in the hospital ... oh yes said I. Then go left to the outpatients registration reception and they shall tell you where to go!

    Wonderful said I!


    The one beauty about the local hospital is that all (well a majority of) buses go via there.

    So this was the view from the bus stop, which is a five minute walk down murder hill.

    The time was 2.36pm and the sun was already setting for the day.

    St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church Kirkcaldy


    I love the metal gates and railings on this church. Funnily it was in the museum / art gallery that Mrs T does her crochet class did I see a recent exhibition that this church was here. It was I am pretty sure the first Coptic Orthodox church outside of Edinburgh/Glasgow in Scotland.


    Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to the bus stop at the hospital.

    We had to wait two minutes as some fluffing eejit was parked in the space for the buses.

    I tell you common sense is not very common anymore...

    I think common sense should be renamed to rare sense judging by so many people that exist on our planet!


    There you can one of the buses in the bus layby after the eejit picked up his wife or partner or whatever she was. I mean there is a bloody pull in spot and pick up spot outside the main entrance, but oh no he waits there outside the maternity unit. Eejit, I know what I would do with people like that!


    But wait do you see something silvery in the sky?


    Yes it was the moon!


    If you remember from the post of my last visit on the 22nd I took a shot of the moon at 9am, well here it is for comparison.


    How cool is to see the other side visible!


    Right but we had a 3.30pm date inside the kidney shaped building.


    Our NHS National Health Service is fluffing brilliant and for the most part free.


    Oh wow, there are people and lights on in the hospital!

    I guess that is what happens when you aren't there at 8am on a Sunday morning!


    The WH Smith shop was open! There was the Costa coffee shop Lorraine mentioned...

    So a left turn I took and to the receptionist I went!


    There was me the bottom of the left column ... Rheumatology and waiting room 2!


    Which was here! Some damn comfy chairs they were too!


    The view out of the window was overlooking one of the car parks.
    I met an advanced physiotherapist who was really nice.

    More blood taken and chest x-ray.
    It had been 8 years since I last went and there were now some good biologic therapies for people like me. So they need to analyse my blood and stuff and see if I am suitable.

    The MRIs identified there was active inflammation in my lower spine, no shock as that is what I told them. And that the neck and middle spine are pretty much fused and fucked hence no pain.

    Self inject

    It would mean administering injections to my thighs every two weeks which might or might not work, but hey if it works and I can sleep a whole night with no pain after 40 odd years I will take that!

    She was also confident I picked up Crohn's disease along the way which I tried telling my local doctor but he thought I was mad in the head!

    The great thing is that unlike doctors, here they listen to what the patients tell them, to quote her!


    Luckily I managed to finish in time to hop on Mrs T's bus at 5.15

    Then after a walk home, I was fluff it I want a treat!

    You cannae beat British fish and chips on the coast! Battered haddock and chippie chips with oodles of brown sauce vinegar and salt.

    @asiaymalay asked where was the food on my Saturday's Getting the Bishops Finger for Beer 🍺 Saturday post, well there you go have some fish and chips to make up for it!


    This post is for #wednesdaywalk which was inspired by @tattoodjay

    Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful new week! I hope the new year is bringing you everything you wished for.


    All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated. Note images are all snapped by me with my Google Pixel 9 XL Pro smartphone on 7th January 2025 and the second moon shot on 22nd December 2024 and four were used in canva to make the lead image.
    @tengolotodo January 8th 2025


    Haste Ye Back!

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