Cool Bit of Kit, and & Some TTTuness...

in voilk •  4 days ago

    New tech alert - we got the coolest bit of kit, a bluetooth reciever for the stereo, meaning we can finally stream straight from our phones. That's pretty awesome. it's super tiny as well and doesn't take up much space. If you're interested, here they are online - not a bad price either. The quality's pretty good.


    For #threetunetuesday I'll start with two songs Jamie was excited about and played for me when I got home from being out and about. Now I'm not an ABBA fan at all but I love this version by Bristol legends Portishead. They'd released it just after the death of MP Jo Cox as a tribute. She was a tireless campaigner of refugess. It ends with Cox’s quote from her maiden speech in parliament: “We have far more in common than which divides us.”. Ain't that the truth.

    It's a lovely haunting version - for some reason I'm reminded of Sisters of Mercy but I might be off there. That's just me.

    The next one is Jamie XX. Apparently the sample is the yoga video he was watching in lock down, but he thought it could be relevant to all kinds of situations.

    Next is jus a song I really love and heard on the radio on the way home today - I love it. I fraeking love Mark E Smith, rest his soul, we saw him live in Melbourne once and he was more punk than punk. Guy kept walking of stage, pulling sheets of lyrics out of his pocket, just generally being a nutter, but in a really good way. They definitely broke the mould when they made him. This is seven minutes of relentless awesomeness.

    The lyrics though - so mental. I told you he was punk.

    nd all humans
    Cavalry or cavalry
    And not a drop of water
    Or paper
    Or paper
    J.W. said "walking bass, walking bass"
    Don't forget
    Don't forget
    You expected Aristotle Onassis
    But instead you got
    Mister James Fennings from Prestwich, in Cumbria, down!
    Do you?
    The flat is evil
    Full of cavalry and Calvary
    His first appearance was on Moscow Road
    The poster came first
    At first I thought it was just a poster
    I was talking to Jane Seymour
    Eyes wide open
    The neck was slightly dislocated
    But then I walked up the street
    There was
    A repellent plastic
    Said poster with a picture
    "Do you work?"
    I was on one leg
    At the top of the street
    There was a poster
    A plastic front
    From Moscow Road it came
    From Deansgate it came
    From Narnack Records it came
    I was on one leg
    I had to be in by nine-thirty
    I said walking bass
    Paper times two
    Paper times two
    Paper everywhere and not a drop of water to be seen
    I said
    I was by the ocean
    I saw a poster
    I am licking my feet
    I am licking my feet
    Everywhere I look
    I see a blind man
    I see a blind man
    Everywhere I look
    I see a
    I, I can't get my eyes checked
    My blues eyes can't get checked
    I'm only on one leg
    I said to poster, "when's curfew over?
    I said, "blind man, have mercy on me"
    I said, "blind man, have mercy on me"
    Blind man have mercy on me
    Oh Great One, I am a mere receptacle
    The egg tester for your sandalwood and other assorted woods
    In dark green
    Blind man
    Have mercy on me!
    I got a metal leg, truth!
    Flat is the evil of Calvary and cavalry

    With Love,


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