The Illusion of Age: Why Maturity Knows No Boundaries

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I believe that age thing is just a number. Yes, it doesn't matter how old you are, if you don't act wisely, no matters how old you are, you will remain the same as you are, and if you are wise and take responsibility, you are not dependent on it. It does not matter how young or old you are, some small children also say very intelligent things, seeing which their family members become very happy. And many people grow in age but still, their actions and actions remain childlike and they never take life seriously nor behave like a mature person. Nowadays children have become brilliant and they are teaching us such things in childhood itself that perhaps till they grow up, we don't know where they will end up. It feels good to see this and sometimes a feeling of sadness increases in the mind. I have not achieved as much in my life as other children have done or have done, but there is no use in regretting this because everyone comes with different luck and everyone brings something into the world. I have come to do anything different, rest let's see what happens.


    Well, to be an adult in our country, you need to be 18 years old, perhaps this is applicable in most countries, and it may be a little higher or lower in some places. Although this is considered a legal age, after this you are free, and you can make decisions about your life, be it your married life or anything else. If you live in a joint family, your decision is yours. No, they belong to your family and your family interferes in your decisions or it is a very common thing but nowadays children have become very realistic, they do not listen to anyone nor do they care about anyone. They just do whatever they want, even if they have to do anything for it. These days, small children have become very obsessed with mobile phones, so I wonder what will happen to them when they grow up.

    In our country, after 18 years, you get some legal rights like you can make decisions about your life and you can apply for driving license and also what kind of marriage is there like you can enjoy a married life. Now this age has increased a bit (for marriage), but still, 18 years is considered an adult. By that time, a normal child becomes a little more mature. Yes, some children are very mature and sensible since childhood, but Most of the time an Austin human being probably has a little future even after 18 years and they start having a better tomorrow because there today is also earlier but he also becomes a little more mature by this age but this is not the case with everyone. Even in old age, people remain the same as they were in childhood. I don't know what their thought processing is, or what kind of mindset they have. I don't understand. In my family too, people are like this, who since childhood are just trying to trouble others. It seems that everyone is worried and there is a reason for most of everyone's sadness. I do believe that everyone comes with their destiny and such people are not worried about themselves but cause trouble for their lovers. They become so that we see what happens, either devotion tells us who will be like what or who will do what, and all this gets known with time.



    I feel that 18 years of age is enough to keep a child in the category of an adult because by then he has finished his schooling and has entered college and then his second life starts from where he But a lot of things have to be done while being dependent and there is a kind of learning phase because if you are away from your home then you get to learn a lot, sometimes you don't teach anything to live and sometimes you teach some new thing to others. I think 18 years of age is quite right, there is no need to do much work, after that, you become an adult and you are responsible for making your own decisions and you should also take responsibility, you should not depend on others. If you take your decisions by depending on others then it is not a good thing. You should make your own decisions because this is your life and you have every right to make decisions for yourself and if you make your decisions by depending on others. So this is not a good thing, because of this you may have to face problems shortly.

    Your age does not matter what kind of person you will be. Even if you are older, there will definitely be people around you who will be younger than you but they will be very promising and also very intelligent. I believe that a legal age is necessary to be a number but you cannot measure someone's intelligence and maturity by it because some people are very smart and intelligent from a very young age, so I believe that is just a number. What do you think about this?

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